Needs brighter colors
Hmm now this one was the most oddest ones of the bunch, while it does remind me of a wolf and is the most clearest of all the other designs, its also seems to have abit lesser quality to it, it might be because the texture is not showing so well or theres less color to this, it might even be that the color is that of a darker one, something to think about, as the Brighter colors "RED" "BLUE" "GREENS" tend to comeout much better, the whole moon above is also kinda odd, and the "LETTERING" seems too think over the other designs, but anyways its not my faveourite by any means but i still like it, and as i have said in the others it has a pattern likeness and needs that extra push to give it its own "UNIQENESS" for this one i think it needs a brighter color, I would suggest using more then one color, like you could have the Wolf one color and the "MOON" another brighter color, it might show off better, and then as said before backrounds would be nice and give it that uniqueness i been talking about, so these are all things to think about when creating these and or new designs.
As stated, something with more of a personal touch on each one so they are not such the same, in this one some new colors for the wolf even a second color for the moon would sufice, the texture was just not showing up in this one.