Creative color
Love the color on this one, you have some pretty good work here as i was looking through your other stuff, this was pretty good, but im one about "COLOR" and here with this one you have put fourth lots of color, if i may ask what did you use to do this, the "TEXTURE" is pretty amazing and i really like this stuff, awsome stuff, and you have a good sense of "CREATIVITY" by creating something that is not exactly anything but it becomes something so awsome with the finished project so really awsome job here i enjoyed it, i would love to see more work from you like this piece its my fave piece of all your work, and you reall put all this color fourth with such creativeness, and thats my fave part of it all, Keep making stuff like this and you will do fine here on NG, but anyways if i can suggest anything on this delightful piece, i think i would say, make it larger ad even more twists and turns, but mostly ad even more color and creativity in designs, it truly is an awsome piece.
Make it larger ad more color and more twists and designs, even brighten up the color aswell