Nice color and standing out
Now im not too much educated on this style of art but i must say it did catch my eye and i was pleasently pleased how this came up, and as i continue on in this review i hope to enjoy even more on what you have presented. A nice piece you have here you really made the color come alove and you have also showd the emotion in the characters face which made for some good realism, and i also like how the backround was abit bland as to focus more on the character. i do however think there could be some more shine on the armor plate she has on, more shine and maybe even some war marks. And so i am almost at the end here of this review but i have enjoyed your work here, and through out this review i may suggest some positive options that can smooth it out somewhat but if you dont use any, thats cool too.
so in this case i do have a few tips of helpful options and hope they could help to improve on some things, and i do hope you will look into some of these. So a few things that could give this some more realisim, would be adding some war dmg like explosion smoke some gashes and dents in the armor, then maybe some shine on some corners would also be a big plus.