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Very nice

So this was really nice the backround element is really nice I like the massive amount of detail and effects in this, the character standing there is a nice touch on this shows a creative world here so nice job indeed, hope you make more great stuff like this one, anyways nice job.

no changes its awsome.


A nice B/W Drawing

So a nice black and white drawing here that four leaf clover on the hat seems like it would stand out more if it was the oly piece colored, Heavy shading and darkened line work that creates definition in the characteristics of the pirate, This definition is sharp enough to favor a cartoonist style of art working hand in hand with the exaggerated facial features to steer away from realism, The shading still provides adequate detail however and the specific style in itself is greatly unique, Level of sheen and texture is emphasized through the shading while the need for color is replaced nicely.

four leaf clover on the hat seems like it would stand out more if it was the oly piece colored


Very nice work

So this was very nice work here I love the light coloring the kinife was nice wouldnt mind more shine and sparkle on the blade of the knife might show some added detail maybe even more patches of color on the backround, anyways nice job here great art piece

as mentioned more shine and sparkle on the blade


Locks are cool

The master lock or a master lock lol regardless this was pretty good nice dents and such in the lock is nice, some added backround would be nice might accent this better, So some lock art here, cant go wrong with that, you have really showcased some nice detail and some fun elements, while we dont see much locks any more it was a fun piece indeed, you have shown some nice visuals here and I have come to enjoy this piece.

some added backround would be nice might accent this better


Cool Locks

Jujube Lock one of my all time faves the shine and shades are just so welldone here I would though suggest some type of backround or element, you have really showcased some nice detail here and some "FUN-ELEMENTD", while we dont see much locks any more it was a fun piece indeed, I do wish there was "MORE-LOCK-ARTWORK" in the portal but I was pretty impressed with the detail here so keep up the good artwork.

I would though suggest some type of backround or element



Well this was pretty cute and I guess in a way he could be a rat lol, but anyways maybe improving on this piece would be to have some backround here with some nice added props or scene back there, but anyways nice work here, this was a nice pokemon element here

maybe improving on this piece would be to have some backround here with some nice added props or scene back there


MartinPortugal responds:

I will do my best to improve it :)


Wow this was really nice and I will say congrats on the award well deserved if I say so myself this was some intense work here I love the backround glow effects would be nice if it was even more glowing but otherwise this was some nice work, anyways nice job.

I love the backround glow effects would be nice if it was even more glowing but otherwise this was some nice work


Something Fantastic

Wow I love me some jason and this was pretty good stuff here love the backround wall element too some very nice work no changes needed here its a beautiful piece, The visual here was "VERY-IMPRESSIVE" and this was just something unique, so keep that creative side going because this was something fantastic aswell, you really know how to make some "NICE-CLAY-CREATIONS" here with some "IMAGINATION", but anyways keep up the fantastic clay works.

very nice work no changes needed here its a beautiful piece


A cute character

Well this was a cute character you have here the stars are nice but there was a patch of blackness behind her head and shoulder area that seemed like it could have used some stars, other then that this was a nice art piece here very cute and funny

as mentioned above.


Piku184 responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

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