
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice character

A nice character design especially with all the flashy color and details, You crave creativity and thats what you have showcased here today, I really enjoy finding stuff like this on the portal and An awsome piece you have here it was interesting, finally something decent from the art portal and it made me enjoy right from the start ou have some nice talents of creation.


Fun characters

Once again some more of these fun characters they are cute and seem to always be having fun, a good series with your toons here, always goofy and nice use of color and outfits, I find them very entertaining, so for me this was a nice little entry here.


Cool guns

I think a different backround color would have showcased the guns better you sure do know how to make a nice gun design here so nice job, the gun visual is really nifty in what I see from it this was a nifty and unique art piece because of the design and style of gun you have created really nice work on this one and I look forward to even more.


An interesting gun design

I love the shine like on the shells and gun itself some nice detailed guns here I love your design and a nifty idea here, An interesting gun design some really nifty visual here aswell you ad some nice detail, props to you for making some nice gun art here it really just jumps out at me and I have really enjoyed the experience of reviewing this.



So this was an interesting character you bring on some fantastic colors and showcase them well I really enjoyed the detail too but the color is amazing its a nice character with some robotic elements, backrounds seemed odd but still seems to fit well here.


Nice character

This piece has lots of detail like the rain on the windows to the well detailed character sp nice job indeed, This is the kind of art style that I have really come to enjoy, I do like the progress you have made on this to really bring out everything from small detail to large impact points, so in that aspect of it, it was a decent piece of art and I hope to see more from you soon.



This was an amazing piece of work the house itself was so well detailed, but the lighting effects and details really set it a part, love the backround forrest element too Seeing this piece of art is pretty awsome I am glad I did It is a unique and nifty piece, So keep up the good style here as I really do like this kind of style and its always a pleasure to see stuff like this, So with all that said I will end this review here but before I do go just know your work is apreceated and not just by me but by many.


A Vamp

A vamp like character the colors are amazing I love how you added some depth to the backround and allows some focus on the character love the purple hair, Anyways onto the review and stuff you have some nice polish aswell and that shines through the whole pieceA unique piece of art in the portal today is a positive day for finding interesting art submissions, I was pretty excited with it overall, But now its pieces like this that make me love looking for new art pieces to review.


Cool Gun Design

These ones are like some space ones but look very nice you can ad some shine and glowing effects for improved results nifty details in the guns here some nifty eleemnt surrounding them aswell you sure do know how to make a nice gun design here so nice job, the gun visual is really nifty in what I see from it you dont see toomany gun designs but this was pretty nice artwork.


Very nifty gun design

Some nice detail here wish there was a different backround maybe a color based one, A Very nifty gun design you have created here some really nifty visual here aswell you ad some nice detail and have a great view of it all pleasing on the eyes guns are nifty and you have created a nice one here so really nice work indeed make more sometime.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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