
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very nice

So here was a nice character love all the shades and muscle points and the shine points also very nice a good character indeed, I have really come to really enjoy these kinds of submissions they bring so much to the portal and they create a great experience, some pretty neat way you designed this it was interesting and kept me looking at all the little details, So keep up the fine work.



Well I found this one to be pretty interesting and you made a nice fun little character in there the blinking color was entertaomomg, other then that it was a simple piece but is eye opening of all the color, so nice job indeed on this piece here.


Nice work

This was another intense piece and you could see some nice details and I like the dark element here you have some nice skills especially with the character design, maybe add on a frame or border for extra measure, its a plus all across the board, anyways nice job.


Abstract style art

The lime element here is amazing its a beautiful visual here with some really nice artistic quality about it, An interesting abstract piece of art, Abstract style art is some of my fave you have some really nice artwork here very nice style and a great submission here I look forward to more of this style.


Some unique abstract

this has a very nice visual of elements that really make it what it is, some very interesting abstract art here, its unique in its own way this was a nice style of art and you cant go wrong with some abstract style here, anyways make more soon.


Nice pico

This was a nice rendittion of pico. I like how he sitting back and has that smirk. A good character here and welldone if you aak me great form and pose. And you cant go wrong with some pico. Keep making amazing work such as this.


Amazing work

I have to say this was pretty amazing i really like how you made the beer and beer mug look realistic. Another plus on this was the vibrant and luminating colors. It seemed to all come together. But anyways a fine piece of art here.


Haha nice

This was a nice art entry i guess they really are bffs. The character work is nice some good details within each character and you showcase them really having fun so good idea here and an overall fun art piece. Nice stuff.


Wow nice

This was a nice piece here. I love the sketch work beforehand and transcended into the digital art formatting really looks nice even the small animations came off well. Some nice art and design on your characters and elements. Keep up the fantastic art work.


Nice doodles

You have some nice doodles. They seem more then just doodles. They are full grown art pieces with some nice art and color. Some really nice facial expressions on these doodles. But anyways a nice art piece indeed keep it up.


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