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Quality Design Here

Really wicked design here some added detail in the darker areas would be nice You really have some good ideas especially when it comes to a design and patteren like this one, You have for sure pushed some depth into this, and the visual here is amazing with some "REALLY-NICE-DETAIL" I really have more appreceation for this kind of visual there is "GOOD-QUALITY" within it.

some added detail in the darker areas would be nice


A cute character

So this was a cute character looking for some action love the elements of power seems like you could ad those elements in the backround for more detail but the character is really nice and well drawn and designed so really nice work here I like the work love the design.

love the elements of power seems like you could ad those elements in the backround for more detail


A great character

I love this its a nice character would have loved more shines and sparkles on this with more details on this like the crown and such, but this was very well designed a nice character indeed and the expression on her face was amazing so nice job indeed.

more shines and sparkles


These designs are cool

I love the red design here very nice depth would be nice to see a frame of some type on this, You bring some cool imagination with these designs, so its been a pleasure to see these "NIFTY-PATERNS-AND-DESGINS", You have some nice work here and some even better ideas that go into this not to mention the "ENERGY-AND-TIME" to create something like this one.

would be nice to see a frame of some type on this


Wow nice

Wow I have to say this was a really nice character here I even love the blood here but wish there was more blood dripping down onto the floor that would have topped this piece off maybe even a bit of shine added to the blood and even sword but overall this was a beautiful day to see art like this I was very pleased with your style and direct detail on this as a whole so really nice work here

Some added dripping blood and some added shine and sparkle


Wow nice

Now I have to say this was a very nice piece of art here with an amazing paint style on this one very deep painting style here I really like the vibe of this the colors are nice and flow into one another with ease forming the face structure so some really nice work here with this one I hope you make more great stuff such as this one I look forward to to even more


Nice Design

Well this was a nice "TAKE" on the whole "CASTLE-CRASHERS" element your knight was pretty nifty and has some nice detail I like the sword allthough some added shine and sparkle on the sword would be cool, and maube some extra design or patern on the castle crashers logo theme, I would even slap a line or two as a border over this white backround, you have done a fantastic job here.

I like the sword allthough some added shine and sparkle on the sword would be cool, and maube some extra design or patern on the castle crashers logo theme


Nice Character

Really nice character here, I like that you used alot of the "CANVUS" here the mixture of colors with yellow and white is pretty cool, so the colors are nice and a nice form of line work here, I thaught the eyes were pretty "UNIQUE" too, Now even though you made a large piece here I think you could have done something with the backround like some color theme or design maybe just some props too, anyways really nice character here.

you could have done something with the backround like some color theme or design maybe just some props too


A beautiful structure

So this was nice I love the fine detail within this and all the sahding is amazing I have no suggestions in mind here as you did an outstanding job on this design, Exceptional capturing of realistic detailing within the structure of houses such as this one, The single plates on the rooftop were evidently added with careful precision improving the preexisting heights of caliber for this drawing, Shading of certain areas such as creases between conjoining walls beneath the veranda and in the background extend a distinct deepness for the setting overall No color is needed for the said shading takes care of the filling in of the white paper. Variations in thickness bolded line work similarly to solve the issue of color though the dull palette alongside the presence of a black cat could be interpreted as a tone of something sinister related to the house, Still a lovely piece in its entirety.

I have no suggestions in mind here as you did an outstanding job on this design


Nice pose

So this was a nice "POSE" here with the sword and gun. I did think you could have had some added shine on the sword and gun maybe even adding some backround besides the black backing "BUT-OVERALL" you have outdone yourself with some nice character pose and details here, so keep up the good work here, I look forward to even more and hope you make some nice charactres in the future.

I did think you could have had some added shine on the sword and gun maybe even adding some backround besides the black backing


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