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Wow Very Nice

Wow this was some intense "DETAIL" just as I look at this the detail within the mouth the open "SCARS" the guts, it all is some really intense detail, he is a scary fellow forsure, I would suggest have some dripping blood more gobs of blood all over maybe even some blood in the backround and more backround elements protaining to the main focus here because backrounds are imprortant too, A nice art piece you have created here.

I would suggest have some dripping blood more gobs of blood all over maybe even some blood in the backround and more backround elements protaining to the main focus here because backrounds are imprortant too


Great character

So this was a great character design here you have some great talent and it really shows off well here so nice job here as for any changes and improvments I dont really feel you need any you are just very talented, A vertical layout of the art piece permits the complete presentation of her pose, and opens the doors for viewers to generate a story for what may be occurring within that moment, The boldness of the color scheme as well as the dominance of saturation engage in the intensity of the tone, Fire can be seen at the very edge of the piece encouraging the idea of destruction and adrenaline, In short this woman consists of a ferociousness that complements the evident catastrophe around her, Her outfit albeit being rather unique to her own character also matches the setting of a boat, What’s most notable is her bright platinum hair which stands out against the otherwise dark scheme of her surroundings, While giving her character another interesting touch this further emphasizes her importance in the piece.

as for any changes and improvments I dont really feel you need any you are just very talented


Very sharp colors

Wow I dont know if its the "SHINE" or the "SHARP-COLORS" but you really went all out in making the color come alive in this one, I think all this one needs is a few sparkles here and there on different edges and points, a great character design here it was pretty amazing and the grey backround really nice too so anyways great work here love your art piece here hope to see more from you.

All this one needs is a few sparkles here and there on different edges and points



An adult version of "PICO" I always like seeing pico in the adult version and here hes getting ready to cause some "CHAOS" the gun was pretty intense, I would suggest adding a sparkle or two on the gun to represent its shiny element if it has one, I would even suggest some backround props and such, A great character you have created here I was pretty impressed with this whole piece.

I would suggest adding a sparkle or two on the gun to represent its shiny element if it has one, I would even suggest some backround props


Very unique

This is the kind of stuff that inspres myself to just design some art myself and you have created such a creative element here its alost like a timeline of some sort I love the added color here, I have no changes in mind for this piece as it was its own style of creativity, This contains an abstract kind of beauty leaving viewers the complete freedom to contemplate the possible meaning behind its creation, Every aspect of this particular piece come together harmoniously transition of one place to another is swift, leaving each place sturdy enough to stand on its own while still relying on those surrounding it for the highlighting of its purpose, Various shades and levels of saturation also pertain to the abstractness blending well for the making of a wondrous piece, Line work for the spirals are especially dark and thick being more prominent in the drawing despite lacking color, It further stimulates the mind, and provokes some form of deliberation in theme and tone.

I have no changes in mind for this piece as it was its own style of creativity


Wow nice

Wow I have to say that these are pretty nice, Its a nice "ACTION-SCENE" with some nice character "DETAILS" an action style in some "PAINT-STYLE" so that was pretty nifty, onlything I moght ad to this beautiful painting might be ad a nice portrait frame on here would focus more of the main action scene other then that you have done some amazing work here and I was pretty impressed so really nice work here.

onlything I moght ad to this beautiful painting might be ad a nice portrait frame on here would focus more of the main action


A unique patern

A really nice design here I wish there was more color and more backround detail, an intense view you have here A fantastic design and pateren and the visual here just jumps out at you a unique patern for sure, it has some nifty little details that shine and thats a nice visual all in itself, so really nice work here I hope you make more of this sometime.

I wish there was more color and more backround detail



Wow this was a really intense character especially the look and expression you have on here the seems like they could have more of a glow around them for that extra effect, and I would say this is an awsome piece of art that you have here some really great structure here.

seems like they could have more of a glow around them for that extra effect


A unique design and patern

Another awsome design / patern here love how it looks like its a worm of some type on sand maybe ad some added shine and sparkle on the points of the design, So you have A unique design and patern here the lines are very good and have a nice visual element about them you have a simplistic style here but then its also pretty complex in its own way aswell, so really nice pateren and design here something very unique here.

maybe ad some added shine and sparkle on the points of the design


A unique and fun patern

Wow beautiful design love all the lighting effects and design here no major changes on this awsome design piece, Well All I have to say here is that this is an amazing patern and design you have a unique style here with this one, it has some nice shapes and line detail and it kind of all just jumps out at you so really nice work here so anyways make more fine design slike this

no major changes on this awsome design piece


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