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I really like this you do some amazing work some color in this piece and all of your work, it almost has a nice pixel style but then again the paint style really stands out, I have no changes in mind for this piece because this was just a beatiful setting here great sun light and nice added color so no changes here on this one, something interesting and kind of nifty, there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, and i was pleased with all of what you presented here

a beatiful setting here great sun light and nice added color so no changes here on this one


ChutneyGlaze responds:

very thoughtful well written review thank you!

A nifty patern

Wow nice there is some really nice lighting effects here I think more element of design in the farther backround would be a nice idea, So here was a nifty patern and design here some good ideas and energy went into this design there is some good depth into this with some massive detail and a stylish look about it, you have some nice talent when it comes to stuff like this design you have created.

I think more element of design in the farther backround would be a nice idea



These "MECHA-SUIT" types are nice this "PARTICULAR" piece was really nice and I like the white element here I do think with that white armor you could have added much more shine on this you do have some nice glare but more shine ofcourse, But this was a pretty good design hre with some nice stylish element about it, so really nice work here, and for sure make more of these types.

I do think with that white armor you could have added much more shine on this you do have some nice glare but more shine ofcourse


Nice effect

I am loving the crystalized effect here and the icy feel here maybe some added sparkle on the crystalized block just an idea, Right away I am reminded of The Lynch character from the cartoon series Adventure Time though the style stands as a stark contrast to that of the aforementioned series, This character is given a bulky form generating an intimidatingly powerful tone from the artist, Saturation of color creates the level of magnitude in detail without the need for harsh line work the layers and faces of the ice throne are executed perfectly for the style of the image as is the ominous green glow around the character, The latter’s pose is especially interesting for it opposes the mightiness associated with him, A slushy and bitten burger grant the greatness a unique humor and is just the right touch.

maybe some added sparkle on the crystalized block just an idea


Nice visual

So here was a really nice visual, I like the "METAL" plate backround and the "BOLTS" to hold it in, the logo name was well done allthough the logo name at the top could have some more shine like a streak of shine I would also ad some shine and sparkle on that metal place aswell, the visual robotic character was the focus and a really nice detailed character so overall a beautiful sight here.

logo name at the top could have some more shine like a streak of shine I would also ad some shine and sparkle on that metal place


Haha cute

So this was pretty cute here, I love the facial "EXPRESSION" this monkey has, and that black "TOP-HAT" love that shine, now you added some gore with his machine and blood and baby was all pretty good so nice job there, The canvas or view screen could be larger and more ov the visual can be shown with all the small details here and there, I like the work here, so nice job on the monkey design and adding some blood and gore.

The canvas or view screen could be larger and more ov the visual can be shown with all the small details here and there



Wow great design here I love the yellow on this and the shine no changes needed you have done a fantastic job, This one has a sleek look about it you have added all the right touches and made for a great drawing Some nice Robotic-ness here in this one, great sleek design here love all the small details in this drawing and or design you have some fine talents and it shows in the detaail here.

I love the yellow on this and the shine no changes needed you have done a fantastic job


Beautiful lighting

You bring in some beautiful lighting on this one, would have loved for the lighting to reflect off all the gold and silverish jewlery like in her wrists the crystal ball and the cats collar, A lot of warm colors within the palette of this art piece, The coolness of the blue sky and green leaves outside are placed in a manner that does not disrupt these warmer darker colors, Soft edges are predominant throughout the image as well doing nothing to disturb quality of detail or the greatly realistic look, Instead, it gives definite shape to the woman cat, and the building in which she sits, Alongside this the marks of the added color bring a textured appearance, In particular the skin of the woman’s legs are highlighted by the indirect light source made present beautifully by the transparent streaks and appear with smoothness, Smaller details are especially nice in giving a general depth to the entire image such as the bottles and jewelry in the right corner.

would have loved for the lighting to reflect off all the gold and silverish jewlery like in her wrists the crystal ball and the cats collar


Nifty character

Well here was a nice character you have here, I really love what you do with the "SHADING" the backround was notbad but could use more to it maybe some props added, he has lots of little "TRINKETS" the trinkets seem like you could ad more shine and sparkle on them the sword the buckle the chains around his neck, But regardless this was pretty cool very nice character here so nice job.

The backround was notbad but could use more to it maybe some props added, the trinkets seem like you could ad more shine and sparkle on them the sword the buckle the chains around his neck.



Beautiful glows and vibrant effects here was something that doesnt need suggestion of change it was a beautiful and vibrant piece, Immediately the cutesy chibi style is noticeable Despite being small each individual woman retains a mature body shape the anatomy is certainly proportionate in itself though head shape throws off realism, Nevertheless the unique characteristics of these women are worthy of admiration, Their corresponding colors also match as their theme the vibrant green goes with the golden hair the devilish look correlates with a bold red color and the futuristic attire is nicely accentuated by the pastel blue, Their striking differences also trigger thoughts of origin however the cute style overwhelms this and makes them simply pleasant for the eyes.

here was something that doesnt need suggestion of change it was a beautiful and vibrant piece


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