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Great comic series

Would have liked more blood splatter on this one, but this was nice stuff a great issue here, Not sure what I can say that I have not said already but this is a brilliant comic series take this particular one it ends just so perfectly and you ad that touch of humor that works so well, these characters are always a blast of fun and entertaining enough to give off a great chuckle.

Would have liked more blood splatter on this one, but this was nice stuff a great issue here,


Wow nice

Now this was really nice I love the deep colortone and texture you use here the glowing eyes of the little character are nice I wouldnt mind seeing more glow on the eyes as a suggestion only but honestly this was some beautiful work you are very talented.

I wouldnt mind seeing more glow on the eyes as a suggestion only but honestly this was some beautiful work



I like the pink backround seems like some small detail could be added on the backround, Another fun one you have herem the idea of knowing that each frame comming up is going to be pretty brilliant is always a fun one, your characters as fresh as ever and another entry in the books with some great results, so nice effort on this one and hope to see more of your comic series soon.

I like the pink backround seems like some small detail could be added on the backround


Wow nice

Now this was an intense piece here you have seom very deep textures and structure in this piece and it shows off very well so nice work indeed, this is the kind of work I could see framed or bordered as a small suggestion ofcourse, anyways nice job indeed.

this is the kind of work I could see framed or bordered as a small suggestion ofcourse



A nice issue here you could ad some clouds and birsd in the backround as an idea ofcourse, And this was cool as all your work on the comic series seems to always be fin and entertaining and I am glad I had the chance to review this its always good stuff, very solid work, good adventure for one a nice theme going and some good jokes and such. anyways nice work here.

you could ad some clouds and birsd in the backround as an idea ofcourse


Another great one

Cool one here very funny these older ones are nice I dont see a need for any changes it was fantastic, So Another great one here and some nice visuals here this comic always seems to flow with some interesting endings and some great humor and nice outcome on this one, I love the action and humor but most of all the very well executed jokes here, so really nice work indeed.

I dont see a need for any changes it was fantastic


Really nice

So this was something nice you have some nice color here too and theres some action going on you have a lot going on here and is pretty amazing almost seems like you could even slap on some frames or borders on this, anyways nice work here I like it.

some frames or borders would be nice on this.


This was a wild and crazy issue

This was cool would have been nice with some added backround on this particular one but was still good stuff, Wow This was a wild and crazy issue here this wasa really good issue you have here or submission this was an entertaining one as they all are and the humor is always strong the fun and well exectuted jokes seem to work well this was just a great issue.

would have been nice with some added backround on this particular one but was still good stuff,


A great character

Here was a great character here some amazing detail like shading and lighting effect and the character structure is really nice here too you are very talented and show off the great details here so really nice work here I like your energy in this piece

no changes with this one


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