
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice design

This was a nice creature you have here I love the eyes maybe even adding some extra glow on the eyes would be a plus, I love the dark backround very nice detail in this piece all the way ariound, so no major changes other then more glows anyways nice job.

as suggested above.


Wow nice

Now this was nice I love the scene here and an icy element about it, you have some good visuals here and would love to see much more sparkle and shine as a suggested idea and such but overall this was cool as is, so nice work and I hope you have more of these come in sometime soon.

some added sparkle and shine


EvanScale responds:

Thanks for the suggestions X!

Upcoming themes will vary, but this style will definitely be seen in future posts!

An interesting piece

So this was an interesting piece of art here a side view is notbad the colors are nice the backround seems like it could use added detail here maybe some added props or even a color theme of some sort anyways nice work here this was a nice art piece here.

as mentioned above


MikiLuque responds:

I try to work the funds lately in small comic strips, I'm not very good at doing them and I usually spoil it, but thanks for the contribution! <3

Nice group

So this was a nice group of characters some very interesting group of characters filled with all sorts of characters aswell you do some nice work here maybe ad some frame or borders on this make it look fancy and such, anyways nice art piece here keep up the good work.

maybe ad some frame or borders on this make it look fancy and such



So this was a nice art piece you have here I like how its an art trade there was not a whole lot of difference on the two versions but still noticble either way these are nice, and you have a nice artstyle here very good artistic value in these two pieces.

not a whole lot of difference on the two versions but still noticble


A beautiful character

Wow this is really nice work I love all the extras like the spiked ankle pieces and such almost feels like you could ad even more shine and sparkle on those extra pieces, beside that this was an awsome character here, you can see the effort here, thats what I like about this piece now let me get more into this review. Overall, this is an incredible piece of work that you did

almost feels like you could ad even more shine and sparkle on those extra pieces, beside that this was an awsome character here,



Wow you do some amazing work here this one specifly you have created some a blend of texture on the skintone and such it really just jumps out at you with some really nice look here and it being salad fingers is a plus, wouldnt mind some backround props in this one, it was differant and unique, pretty neat how you made this comeout, So to start off this is a great art piece and I really like what you have done here

wouldnt mind some backround props in this one


Very nice

Wow I love me some beatlejuice and this was a wacky one here you really know how to bring in some nice color great character design and really made some nice art piece here I love the color and structure most of all so keep up the amazing work make more.

no changes on this beautiful art piece



So this was interesting I may be un-familuar with the actual "CHARACTER" but this was funny not sure what all the "CIGS" mean but it would have been cool if you had the cigerates light up and smoke was streaming upward to represent the falling also, but overall this was pretty good and some nice artwork here, the character design was notbad at all overall a good art piece you have created here.

it would have been cool if you had the cigerates light up and smoke was streaming upward to represent the falling also



So this was cool and I beliece you depicted him just "RIGHT" the ha ha's in the backround was nice and seems to be fitting this was a good "JOKER" in its cartoon form so nice job here, I think some textuture in the hair would be nice, but regardless this was an amazing art piece and just perfect for a comic piece if you decided to make a comic from it, anyways nice work here.

I think some textuture in the hair would be nice


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