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Love it

So I love this piece not just because of the beautiful color and the frame but because the art within this piece is really nice you have some really good detail and some nice structure aswell great lighting and color really come into play here so nice job indeed.

maybe some added lighting and depth in the border.


Ruedefaux responds:

thank you for your words~ you leave very helpful and insightful comments and i really appreciate it :D

Very good

So this was really nice, the "SLANTED" pose or stretched pose was kind of different unless it was just the way you uploaded the image, you have some nice lines here good little details, this piece does seem like it needs some backround detail some random props would even do, but bedides that your character design is pretty fantastic and a good form of line work so really nice job here on this one.

this piece does seem like it needs some backround detail some random props would even do



This was beautifull the colors the form of the flowers just a beautifull design here all the detail from the leaves and flowers, the onlything I would change on this would be the border hues, they seem too thick maybe half the thickness of that would sufice, but regardless of all that you have a really nice flower set here very beautiful and a nice design here so keep up the beauitiful work.

the onlything I would change on this would be the border hues, they seem too thick maybe half the thickness of that would sufice


A unique design of creativity

wow love the color in this some really nice design here no changes are needed on this piece, your creativity on this one is pretty amazing, I like the small details in this and allows for some nice depth creativity, you bring some "COOL-IMAGINATION" with these designs you have and they are "VERY-CREATIVE", but anyways make more of these nifty paterns.

really nice design here no changes are needed on this piece



So the animation of this art submission is nice seems to flow well it is is some good art style besides all that and there for does not need any changes, Now its these kinds of pieces that really give me a sense of joy they bring so much to the table and you really pushed the limits on this one.

good art style besides all that and there for does not need any changes


A Design Of Quality

I love the red element here but seems like some parts could have more light up points and such, There really is some deep depth in this, The Pattern in this has some "STYLISH-QUALITY" about it, you really have some good ideas especially when it comes to a design and patteren like this one, I encourage you to "KEEP-PUSHING-THE-DEPTH" on stuff like this one.

I love the red element here but seems like some parts could have more light up points and such


A very deep piece

So this was a nice and deep piece here love all the color and different elements on this piece no major changes are needed here,
Its stuff like this that make me want to look deeper and harder in the art portal for pieces just like this, so thank you for that alone, And hope to see more from your imagination.

love all the color and different elements on this piece no major changes are needed here


These paterns are cool

I love the yellow element here maybe adding some kind of frame or yellowish border on this would be kind of cool, I like the small details in this and allows for some nice depth creativity, you bring some cool imagination with these designs, so its been "A-PLEASURE-TO-SEE" these nifty paterns and designs, "I-LIKE-YOUR-ENERGY" you push forward in these aswell, so really nice work.

maybe adding some kind of frame or yellowish border on this would be kind of cool


Great character

Wow such a great character here love the blood and teeth, would love more blood but overall its great, There are things that can make this better but I like what you bring out in this style and piece, and we need more artists and pieces like this.

would love more blood but overall its great


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