
17,993 Art Reviews

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Well as always you make some great characters I personally love the black and white ones with shades and details, Just wanted to say a few words and that would be that keep up this kind of unique style, you really draw some nice detail all around so great work.



An elegant piece here love the color tone on this the wings came off pretty amazing, You have an amazing way of the use of art and stylish content my overview of this is that you have done something pretty awsome here, another awsome character here.


Nice character here

This was a nice character you made here I like the blue elements but you also added some nice shadows within so nice job, here we have something fresh, something interesting and kind of nifty, A big kudo's to you on this piece here, its characters like this that really make for some nice ideas and visuals so awsome job.


Nice pixel

You have osme nice pixel here, Creativity flows through this fine art creation In a way this was symbolic I like the polish you gave this, the fire and flame throwing is nice and all done in pixel was a plus on this one, You have some nice skills with color and pixel so nice job.


Beautiful character

The purples are amazing the lush outfit is nice and really enjoyed what you have done here with the hair too the dark greay backround was a plus on this one, This submission at hand has some amazing creativity you created something good here and it was a unique and something differant I liked, you do have a good peice of art here I like the effort I like this creation and I like your attention for detail.


Very good

The character alone was nice this reminds me of a grand poster, love all the added details like the candles etc, This is the sort of stuff that I have really come to love, nice job here and you have shown some good detail a lot is desired here in this piece, this piece really caught my eye I like your deep style of detail and what not so keep that drive going strong.



This was pretty amazing the effects are nice and the view point from the top was nice, It is submissions like this that really bring out the creative side, with all the effort and detail that you have put fourth in it is what I have come to enjoy here, keep on doing what you have been doing, Its always nice to see stuff like this.


Amazing work

This here was pretty amazing work, the side and back view was fantastic the dark and light elements of both characters really come a live, You have captured something great with some flair and you have some good insight on the art world radiates some good artistic expression and thats what I enjoyed about it, it really came out well I am most impressed with this and the small details you have added all throughout, but anyways I really enjoyed this one.


Very artistic

This was a nice and artistic piece some good artistic expression and thats what I enjoyed about it, it really came out well I am most impressed with this, and like the different visual variations of color here, it was a nice art piece here keep up the great work.


Urichov responds:

Holy shit it's XwaynecoltX

Love it

Now this was a nice character, You have captured something great with some flair and you have some good insight on the art world, Love the moon behind the character I did think some added glare from the moon would have been a nice idea, really nice character work here.


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