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Pixel style very nice

Wow somany pieces here its really a beautiful visual on this one, pixel art at its finest and best creations from all likes and forms, Its creations like this that make me enjoy pixel even more you have presented pixel at its best form here and the creativity shows off well aswell as the talent in this pixel piece of art work.

no changes per say on this piece but do make more pieces like this one.


Notbad here

This was a good piece of art here I like the wording on the shirt made it all that much more fun to see everything lol no but really this was some nice artwork you have here, love the sketchy like design here I do think the jewlry on the ear could have more of a sparkle to it, anyways great design here

the jewlry on the ear could have more of a sparkle to it


This was very nice

Great view here the stars the moon and everything that accents it as for changes I think its pretty cool as is and is a nice piece of art here so nice job on this one, Its a unique style and glad to see more of this pixel style come out and as for your work here it is a swell and well detailed unique piece of pixel art, I look forward to even more of this fine pixel and stylish art you have created they are very aristic and stylish.

as for changes I think its pretty cool as is and is a nice piece of art here so nice job


Another nice piece

So this one was nice I wish there was some backround detail or even some color on this but thats just my view of things your art is amazing and you have some nice work here on this character and comes out really nice here, and I look forward to more from you

as mentioned above


Pixel a unique form

Very nice ships here wouldnt mind seeing more reflection and shines on them just as a suggestion only, you have presented it well with all its glory and shine this particular piece is pretty nice shines with a unique style and a great visual Pixel a unique form and glad we have lots of it here on the portal, you have some really nice detail in this particular pixel piece.

wouldnt mind seeing more reflection and shines on them just as a suggestion only


Nice work

And once again you have amazed me with such a beautiful piece of art here I really like it I like your style and you have some good visual effects on this piece heres another one that could have some borders and or some frames to accent it, but anyways great stuff here

heres another one that could have some borders and or some frames to accent it


Cool pixel style here

Great character here the pixel form is really nice too seems like some small pixel art could be put in the backround or atleast some backdrop, I like your style here you really make the pixel style come alive and vibrant so nice job here on this pixel stuff, you have some amazing visuals on this piece the pixel really does shine off well and its a swell piece very artistic in my book and eyes, anways nice job.

seems like some small pixel art could be put in the backround or atleast some backdrop


Wow nice

Wow this was some nice work you have here it really does look like him as an artist and you have showcased it well all this really could use might be some gallery style frames and or borders just a small idea there so nice job indeed, great visual and texture here

all this really could use might be some gallery style frames and or borders just a small idea there


Nice Pixel

Wow an old gameboy and there was some nice animation within it its such a beautiful pixel piece no changes needed Nice pixel art here, I do like how this all came formulated and such and you have a nice piece of art here, the pixels are great and make for some really nice detail the art shows off for itslf and this was pretty good if you ask me. anyways nice artwork here.

such a beautiful pixel piece no changes needed


I like this

So this was cool I think this was pretty cool I like the simplistic about it but do seem to need a frame or border on this might even be nice to have a little bit of color maybe the frame could be colored but overall this was a nice and cute piece here so keep up the good work

A few ideas suggested


amsyar555 responds:

Thanks! Yeah, I did this when I was bored, but if I was serious at that time, I think I would've done a better job than this. One day, I'll remake this(but not too soon).

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