
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice style

This has some nice pastel color themes here thats what I really liked and you pushed some nice effort too nice shades nice details a beautiful piece of art, Style and vibe thats what I get from this art submission I like what you bring out in this style and piece and we need more artists and pieces like this, now As I do end here I will say it was a nifty art piece with some nice design elements Once again beautiful piece of art here.


Beautiful design

I love the pastal colors here and the design gives off double meanings and just dwells into a deeper story with the visual here, You have made my day with this art submission here today Nice work on this piece of design, I will always enjoy stuff like this and will always look for more stuff like it among the art portal, Im so glad I did come across this one. And I have to say the stylization brings a certain flair to the portal, Nice job here.


Awsome scene

This was another fun scene here, I love how the fire and fire pit looks so realistic Style and vibe thats what I get from this art submission I like what you bring out in this style and piece, you have some nice talent keep it up I look forward to even more.


BreBitz responds:

why thankyou!

Cool pixel

I love me some pixel and this was by far some good pixel work, I will always enjoy stuff like this and will always look for more stuff like it among the art portal, Im so glad I did come across this one, The animation on this was pretty good too you made it look easy too.


Nice scene here

This was cool You have made my day with this art submission here today Nice work on this piece of design, There is some good depth within it all the lighting effects of the eyes and such made for a good element too, overall this was some nice work.


Nice characters

These guys are pretty hairy lol some nifty details fun beards and hair and overall some nice creation on these characters An amazing find of a submission here lots of creativity on this art piece, I have to say you did an impressive job here actually and it brings to the table some unique elements appropriately done if I say so myself, I do look forward to more from you in the near future because this was pretty brilliant stuff.



The character here is awsome, Love the orb almost feel like the orb could have more of a glow about it, A big kudo's to you on a fine piece of art and creativity, you really do have the skills for great stuff such as this piece, glad I could find something differnt like this its different and unique and you dont see this type every day anyways nice work here.


Nice combo

This was a nice combo of characters here and you showcased some good design with the characters especially with the faces and like the christmas elements, I have to say you did an impressive job here actually and it brings to the table some unique elements appropriately done, keep up the good work.



These are some nice characters here and unique, glad I could find something differnt like this its different and unique and you dont see this type every day, Love the fine detail especially like with the backround and you made for some nice character work here it brings a lot to the table.


The comic style is nice

This was a nice comic style you have here, A big kudo's to you on a fine piece of art and creativity, you really do have the skills for great stuff such as this piece, Its cute simple and you give it some good comedic elements some fun character work here in this one.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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