
17,993 Art Reviews

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Amazing character

The character has so much detail and heavy elements that makes it a brilliant design, wouldnt mind some added backround elements, This just radiates creativity, A decent entry that you have here I like this piece as it was differant and thats what I tend to look for, So keep up the good work and I look forward to even more stuff from you, Untill next time keep making awsome stuff, anyways untill next time.



Everything about this was beautiful great characters love the backround skull too you really bring it a live, Fantastic use of art in this one, This one kinda blew me away so very nice work on this one, there was some nifty design all around and I was generally pleased with all of this, A good art piece indeed I do hope to see more work from you and from this theme style of shine and glory.


MaxDidIt responds:

Thank you so much! I hope I will be able to add many artworks to my gallery in 2023!

Flame on

Very nice flame skull here you really made it look real too, love the deep flame within the eyes and skull So it was a nice find some nice effort seems to have gone into this Very nice work here I like this style and the talent really does come full frontal here with the detail and style you push forward, the first thing I noticed on here is that it really jumps out at you with a nice unique style.


A very nice sci-fi

It reminds me of a sci-Fi backdrop of a city, This just radiates creativity, A decent entry that you have here I like this piece as it was differant and thats what I tend to look for, you made a nice city here some awsome color and backround elements.



Again this was nice I love the simple visual here you have some fun ideas and love the simple idea of it all and love me some foamy, A good art piece indeed I do hope to see more work from you and from this theme style, anyways keep up the good work indeed.



A christmas theme here and lots of color around too, I like this style and the talent really does come full frontal here with the detail and style you push forward, as always you gave it some nice comical too, another nice comic theme here, keep it up.



This is a beautiful piece you could do one for every year, the detail and shine is amazing, The creativity luminates in this art submission there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, and I was pleased with all of what you presented here, on an ending note you appropriately pushed the limits on this art piece This reviewer is very impressed.


Simple and fun

So here we have a nice and simple fun piece black and white designs are always one of my faves you made it funny and comical with the little character, I was pleased with all of what you presented here, on an ending note you appropriately pushed the limits on this art piece.


Love it

I like the black and white detail here some nice small details that shine, The creativity luminates in this art submission there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, You could ad some frame work on this or a border.


Dragon Lady

At first its a lizzard but then its like a dragon lady and the colors came off well with this one and you really make some nice detail the outfit for one is nice, You have an amazing way of the use of art and stylish content my overview of this is that you have done something pretty awsome here, now before I head out from this review, Just wanted to say a few words and that would be that keep up this kind of unique style. keep up the awsome work.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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