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So this was nice the black and white theme on this is cool I like it very pixel like form even before pixel was popular so this was a nice design here but anyways great design you have created maybe adding some shine and sparkle would be cool

Some added sparkle and shine


amsyar555 responds:

Thank you! IDK how this looks pixel-like to you, but who am I to judge?


So you have some cute work here this almost looks like it's in pixel form here you have a good detail here great charchter this is one piece I wish there was more in the background anyways good job here on this one

Would love some added props in the background


amsyar555 responds:

Aww, thank you! Yep, Isaac is a good character to draw. I'll be sure to focus on BGs next time :D


Well this was a tad different but you have some nice ideas here with this one the character is nice I like the structure of it all though do wish there was more to the background and such anyways good work here

Some more background on this would be nice


amsyar555 responds:

Thanks for the feedback! At that time, I was still learning the way to draw gradients correctly, but yeah, should've done more.

Very beautiful

So this was a very beautiful piece here you have some good style and created a nice pose here love the eyes on this too you have some nice work indeed on this one I like your style maybe even some added sparkle on your eyes would be cool

Some added sparkle on the eyes


A cute one

So here you have a cute charchter you have some nice design on charchter work and it shows off well with this one some really nice work and I was pleased to see this beautiful piece so nice work indeed I look forward to even more


Haha cute

So this was a cute piece you have here I think some more sparkle and shine on the can itself would be a nice touch up of things but overall this was a nice visual here and some funny slogan words to boot too so really nice work here and love the vibrant colors of this all.

I think some more sparkle and shine on the can itself would be a nice touch up of things but overall this was a nice visual


EvanWithUs responds:

Honestly, I wish more comments were like this. It helps me know how I should improve

Nifty logo

I like the gun shooting out the logo theme here, maybe more glow on the ray of it all and wording, A nifty logo here a nice logo theme with this one these designs and logo types are always pretty nifty and you have created a nice detailed one here with some nice visual effects and a great design and a great element of line work so really nice work on this submission.

maybe more glow on the ray of it all and wording


Great pose

Now this was an amazing pose you have here with some very nice detail the line work is amazing for one but the pose tilting the head back is very nice and all black in white with the head on flames just a nice touch would love to see more use of the flames like in the backround would be a cool idea, but overall a nice drawing here with this piece anyways keep up the great work.

would love to see more use of the flames like in the backround would be a cool idea


A nice logo theme here

Nice and orange would have liked even more sparkles on this one, you have created a nice detailed one here with some nice visual effects and a great design and a great element of line work you have some great skills and it shows off well with some nice detail and you do some good work so nice job here I like your work and encourage you to make more great logo types and themes.

Nice and orange would have liked even more sparkles on this one



So these are nice lots of great detail cant say I have heard of these characters or game but the art style here is pretty nice with some nice detail about it all, I love all the color themed element, I would suggest adding some borders on each colored box to give more accent to each character as an idea ofcourse, anyways nice work.

I would suggest adding some borders on each colored box to give more accent to each character as an idea ofcourse


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