
17,993 Art Reviews

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An Interesting Comic

This particular comic was kind of cute you should make more cute ones like this one here, Theres a "NICE-LITTLE-STORY" going on seems like a comic I would be pretty interested in so really nice comic work, you have some detailed elements in this little web comic, so "KEEP-MAKING-MORE" submissions on these comics so nice job indeed, you do some nice work.

This particular comic was kind of cute you should make more cute ones like this one here


Nice this was really cool

I really like the work you have done here even like the animation of it the colors are vibrant and come off well with this piece here, so really nice job indeed I like your work here you have a nice idea here and it works well I would love to see more of this kind of style and animation

no changes just make more like this


Caaath responds:

Awwww, thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3

A really good Comic

Love your comic style this was just another example of a great comic would love more depth on the borders though as an idea, So I was glad to find this comic entry it was an exciting submission and a great comic here, you really "KEPT-ME-EXCITED" from frame to frame and "I-WAS-PLEASED-WITH-THE-OUTCOME" of this it was aswome from start to finish, and I look forward to even more so keep it going.

would love more depth on the borders though as an idea


Wow nice

So im not too familuar with these character types but have to say that this was a really nice one with some nice form of the character some really nice shine on this one and would love even more sparkle and shine on the crown would love more visual shine all about just an idea this was a nice looking art piece.

would love even more sparkle and shine on the crown


Some Nifty Comics here

Wow nice you really do make some good comics you should make a long running web-comic, Pretty exciting to see all the twists on this, and on top of that you bring some "NICE-STYLE-OF-ADVENTURE", A nice comic vibe here with a strong buzz too, really "GOOD-FLOW-OF-THE-COMIC" with some quality about it aswell, so keep making these and hope to see more.

you really do make some good comics you should make a long running web-comic


Nice character

so this was a nice character you have here the colors just jump out at you with some very vibrant color theme here even the backround was pretty nice, besides all that this was some really solid work some nice character here and I look forward to even more from you.

no changes here because this was some solid work.


A comic with a vibe

And the comic continue on with some nice vibe here great way you are presenteing it, anyways no changes here, A comic with flavour thats what I would title this becacuse this comic entry has lots of flavour and vibe, you cant go wrong here because you have gone and created a nice web comic and I hope you keep this one going on strong with many more entries down the road.

great way you are presenteing it, anyways no changes here


This was cute

Really nice work here love the colortone here very deep details in the backround too, love what you did with the borders too this is one piece I wouldnt change a thing on because you have some fantastic art here and hope you make even more beautiful art.

I wouldnt change a thing on because you have some fantastic art here and hope you make even more


An amazing and fantastic web-comic

Another great comic here would love to see you continue this one, Well a nice creation here, An amazing and fantastic web-comic and I have to say this was some nice idea behind it all you have some really nice work here you have some great visuals on this particular comic and have some nifty ideas that make this work well.

Another great comic here would love to see you continue this one


Very nice

I really like your sketch like style of art not sure what was going on with the eyes but this was still pretty nifty of some art here you have some nice art work wish you had some more detail in the backround anyways good job and do make more soon anyways great stuff.

nice art work wish you had some more detail in the backround


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