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Pixel uniqueness

Nice character and in a pixel form thats kind of nice I like it wish the view screen was a tad larger as to show off more detail here, a unique style and a great visual Pixel a unique form and glad we have lots of it here on the portal, Pixel uniqueness thats what I would call this because it is unique in its own artistic way, this piece is just amazing in a visual way but even more awsome from a creative stand point aswell.

wish the view screen was a tad larger as to show off more detail here


Super Sonic

A super sonic you have created would have liked more of a glow on the flames and such, Wow This incredible This is the type of artwork I see on Google when I'm looking for cool pictures, I love this type of art because it's like you took a character and re-created it in your own way, That's a truly amazing and beautiful thing to see because they maintain the originality of the characters yet add their own distinctive touch as well.

would have liked more of a glow on the flames and such


A pixel element

Wow this was some nice work and you cant go wrong with some nightmare cops but the pixel elements is really nice so no major changes are in need at this time, you bring on some nice shine effects and show a sort of story with your pixel element here, this was a pixel art piece that shines with artistic value, you bring a unique stile and make it alive once again so I was really impressed with this piece so nice job.

the pixel elements is really nice so no major changes are in need at this time


Great Pixel

First of all I love the purple theme here and the small animation with the heart, no changes needed for this beautiful pixel art, some great pixel here and this was pretty amazing stuff here you do some amazing work here I really like the element here on this one you have some great skills here and it shows off well pixel is always an intriging element of design so really nice work here.

no changes needed for this beautiful pixel art


A great pose

Such a great pose here the backround for one is some nice color and the shades and linework in the upclose foot and hand was a nice perspective, as a suggestion maybe make the backround have more color shine up or something, reminds of another cartoon very nice to be able to draw him in a stance like that, The background really helps too, This character is so well done you can almost see him kicking and going into karate stance right before your eyes, That's pretty awesome if you ask me.

as a suggestion maybe make the backround have more color shine up or something


Nice Pixel details

Wow the animation of the plant is amazing and the pixel is even better no changes are needed here its brilliant, You have some nice Amazing Pixel elements aswell as some Pixel details on top of that, you bring on some really good visual points this particular piece was a nice visual, and you can see that it takes time you have added lots of flavour and a great vibe behind this pixel design.

animation of the plant is amazing and the pixel is even better no changes are needed here its brilliant


Nice art

And here was some nice art here I like the purple theme of colors here with this one you really have gone and outdone yourself with this fun piece here very nice shades of color and while it was simple it was nice as for the backround it could either have more design to it or a more darker backround color to accent the main art piece here anyways nice job here

as for the backround it could either have more design to it or a more darker backround color to accent the main art piece


A wonderful design with some nice pixel element

Wow this is really beautiful would have loved more lighting from the back of the characters, you have presented them well here so really nice ideas here on the portal showcasing some really good visuals, A wonderful design with some nice pixel element you really have a talent for the pixel element here and I am pretty impressed with the design here.

this is really beautiful would have loved more lighting from the back of the characters


Funny comic

Well this was a funny comic here, I like a few things line how its from top to bottom and that its a classic black and white, very nice work and you made it entertaining with some nice characters the comic itself was amusing and well executed made for a good read so nice job here wouldnt hurt to have some added color maybe the frames could be colored anyways great comic here.

wouldnt hurt to have some added color maybe the frames could be colored



Wow very cool Would love more sparkle on the peace fingers just as a nice gesture of detail, must have taken you a good little while but however long it took this was some Fantastic Pixel-Art you have presented here, some really amazing visual with all the pixel art here I really like how you make it shine in its own way and unique blend here.

Would love more sparkle on the peace fingers just as a nice gesture of detail


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