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Nice birds

You really do love them birds lol, Fantastic use of art in this one, This one kinda blew me away so very nice work on this one, love how they are marching on like on a mission, as always nice colortone goodd backround and just a nice and refreshing piece of art.


Nice work here

This was pretty nice I love the view the character is looking onward at and you really added a depth with the lighting of the rocket and the stars, the character is pretty good too, these kinds of pieces are always pretty nice, hope you make more like this.


Nice action

The character is nice the battle is epic I love that blade close up cou;d even have some added sparkle and shine on the tip, thease show off some good talent you have shown off some nice work here, but regardless you have done some really nice work keep it up.


Good combo

A good combo of these characters and well drawn some really nice lines and smooth color, also can see some more depth within the color style here, I almost feel like there could be some sort of border on this, but regardless this was some solid work.



I love all the color here but also like the animation you added here almost feel like you could have had even more animation even some added backround detail, keep up the good work and I look forward to even more stuff from you, Untill next time keep making awsome stuff.



An amazing character you have created here I really love the design of this character its simple the colors are light looks like she is ready to kick and or tun, you really bring her motion out in this art piece, A fun smile on her face and just a nice idea here of the character, would have been nice with even more backrounds but honestly was a nice character design, and you cant go wrong with her in this action mode, but besides all that mentioned please do keep up the great work.


Nice and pleasent

This was a beautiful character and one of your more pleasent designs with a classy element and look to the character love the added backround too, also love the bcolor texture theme you have going on here, But anyways really nice work here hope to see more from you.


Nice scene

A nice steamy scene you have created here and an erotic character I was pretty proud of the work you have done here today and hope you make more stuff like this especially with the backround, but overall some nice little details and another nice art piece here.


UmbraPrometheus responds:

I may try some more of that in the future, a bit of teasing here and there isn't too and. :P Backgrounds are never really my strong suit, but when the mood calls for it, I can do some adequate ones!

Very much appreciate your kind words, thank you! 🙌

Nice commission

This was a really nice commission I love the color element from all the different characters must have taken some time too each character in this action scene really has some intense detail and you showcase a really good action scene on this one and that was pretty impressive also love the fast element backround to add onto the action scene so while it is a commission you have really showcased some nice talents and show off some really good artwork here so really nice job here keep it up.


Very nice character here

This was a nice character here I like how she is marching on ready for battle and the red blister design on the backround kind of represents explosion and or war as she walks away or headed to it, The character is well detailed nice facial features too, Her green flame beam and or sword is nice I do think adding more glow to that would have been a big plus, but besides all that this was actually a really nice character and well detailed and you present it well so awsome job indeed.


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