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Very nice

So here was a nice design you have here a very nice piant style too love the pose with her eyes closed and just enjoying the moment, this piece seems like it would go well with some added borders or frames on this one kind of like a gallery portrait piece so very nice job

this piece seems like it would go well with some added borders or frames on this one kind of like a gallery portrait piece


Nice piece

Another nice design here almost feel some light up borders would accent this even more, A nice piece of art here and a nice design here a good pattern here, so nice design, the detail and structure of this whole piece so really nice job indeed you really know how to intertwine the lines and details to make such an amazing pattern so really nice work.

Another nice design here almost feel some light up borders would accent this even more


Wow beautiful

So this was a beautiful portrait type of art you have here, the eye was nice and the borders were cool I think some more design and depth on the border visual and maybe even more sparkle on the eyes and lips would be a nice touch up, but anyways this was a great portrait piece.

I think some more design and depth on the border visual and maybe even more sparkle on the eyes and lips would be a nice touch up


A Unique piece

Wow beautiful design almost seems like something is forming out of the middle like a character of some type, no changes needed here it was a nice design, the detail and structure of this whole piece so really nice job indeed you really know how to intertwine the lines and details you have A Unique piece of art here viewing it in different points has a nice effects and you really have shown some nice line detail it all intertwines with eachother.

no changes needed here it was a nice design


Nice design

So once again a nice design here with all the color it really does jump out at you great focus character here too, so really great stuff here, you always seem to make some nice artwork and bring together some nice details as always its been a pleasure to review your work and love you style.

no changes this was beautiful art


A nifty Patteren

Very nice pattern here wouldnt mind more lighting effect comming upwards or something, Some really nice intercrossing linework to form some really nice view points here and you put some nice energy into this design, and its that style that really "DREW-ME-TO-THIS-PIECE" you have some good depth going on this one and it is "SHOWCASED-WELL" with all the nice linework.

Very nice pattern here wouldnt mind more lighting effect comming upwards or something


Really nice

So this was a nice character you have here I do wish some backround or detail was there even some sort of color theme here, but besides that this was pretty good a character structure and a cute character here too so nice job on this one, you have some nice talents.

I do wish some backround or detail was there even some sort of color theme here


JaviJavi responds:

thanks for taking the time out to write such a nice comment, and sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the love man it really means alot !

A Pattern Of Quality

Very nice design seems like more lighting effects from the center and outwards would be a nice ad on to this, Some really nice detail that really intertwines with the best of the "DEPTH" and there really is some deep depth in this I could stare into this for a bit, The Pattern in this has some "DEEP-QUALITY" about it you can really see how everything just blends and meshes within eachother.

seems like more lighting effects from the center and outwards would be a nice ad on to this


Very nice

So this was very nice here the detail is intense there was some really deep texture in this and the depth of the backround some nice detail though and you are very talented very nice details here and hope you do grace us with more great art work such as this one.

no changes make more soon.


Really nice work here

Now this was some really nice work you have here love what you did with the backround love the lighted effects in the backround wouldnt mind if there was even more glow back there but overall this was really nice work here so nice job indeed hope to see more from you.

as mentioned above.


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