
17,993 Art Reviews

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Cant go wrong with a good comic

I have really come to enjoy this comic here so keep making more and once again no changes I love your character designs, you bring something unique and different to the table with this particular comic and Cant go wrong with a good comic as you have presented here this was just a beautiful piece of comic here and I really enjoyed your work here on this one and hope you make even more.

keep making more and once again no changes I love your character designs


A Spectacular experience

And another great long comic here, your art detail is always amazing no changes needed here, something spectacular and fantastic about it you really bring on some great visual moments in this issue of the comic you bring A Spectacular experience to the portal with this fine comic here really nice work and some nice depth to the story element of it all too.

your art detail is always amazing no changes needed here


A comic with flavour

You sure do make lots of comics and they all are pretty impressive this one was an extra long anyways nice job and no need for changes here, you bring some nice passion to the front lines of this comic and its some nice scenes some entertaining action A comic with flavour thats what I would title this becacuse this comic entry has lots of flavour and vibe about it and its that vibe that keeps me interested.

pretty impressive this one was an extra long anyways nice job and no need for changes here


A design of some sexy and vivid visuals

A nice nintendo relation here I am loving that crown would even love some added sparkle off the shine just an idea though, some nice vivid touches you have added here and its not everyday you get to see some slick looking details, What we have here is A design of some sexy and vivid visuals and thats a nice visual for me atleast some really great work here and the talent shows well.

I am loving that crown would even love some added sparkle off the shine just an idea though


An exciting comic element

Another great comic here and a comic in need of no changes so nice job, Well this was a nice and exciting comic you have here theres some good frame work and you make this comic exciting with some adventure mixed in, those are the types of comics I really come to enjoy as this one was pretty good I thaught, anyways great comic entry here.

Another great comic here and a comic in need of no changes so nice job



Really nice character seems like the backround could have a bit of detail, A fantastic character design here, sometimes your backrounds are pretty nifty but I also understand you are showing off a new character, this character here is amazing as always nice line work, and I love the nifty little detail you have shown here and there.

Really nice character seems like the backround could have a bit of detail


Wow amazing

Wow this was an amzing character you have created here love the shining and shattering moon in the backround you could have more lighting come down on the character, This particular art piece here has won a nice and nifty award you have some talents and the people have spoken and you deserved the award for this art piece

love the shining and shattering moon in the backround you could have more lighting come down on the character


ADSouto responds:

hi its a fanart from RWBY series, and a award? when?


So this was kind of funny here the characters are great and the visual is funny so nice job here, really no changes come to mind for this particular piece as it doesnt need any changes you have some amzing style here so keep that up, Such an awsome piece here and you even won a nifty and shiny award for this fine art piece so you get a pat on the back and a big congrats for the award

really no changes come to mind for this particular piece as it doesnt need any changes



Wow this was amazing work you have some really nice color here and almost looks like the real thing also one of my fave older games is this pixel art? was not sure but does look like it anyways great stuff here, maybe you could make a series of these styles would be a nice bunch of art pieces, I do want to say congrats for winning something for this piece its always nice to get an award or two a little extra shiny can go a long way.

maybe you could make a series of these styles would be a nice bunch of art pieces


Very nice art

Beautiful piece here and some amazing use of color, I honestly have no imput on changes or any additions to this fantastic piece you have done a swell job on this design and element, I do want to say good work on winning an award here a well deserved award on some really nice artwork and hope you win many more as your art style is pretty impresseve so congrats on the award for this piece.

I honestly have no imput on changes or any additions to this fantastic piece you have done a swell job on this design and element


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