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Another unique entry

Be careful what you wish for especially him lol another great entry, no changes needed it was a fun entry, this comic always seems to flow with some interesting endings and some great humor and nice outcome on this one, Another unique entry here with some really nice outcomes, this was an interesting and stylish web-comic, you have some good and creative ideas when it comes to this comic so really nice work.

no changes needed it was a fun entry


Very nice

A beautiful painting style here really good visual, I would suggest maybe slapping a border or frame on this art piece, A fine piece of art here and you won a nice award to go with it so props to you for winning something not always an easy task and this was something well deserving of an award so once again congrats and hope you win much more awards in the future

I would suggest maybe slapping a border or frame on this art piece


lavourse responds:

Im sorry for the late response, thank you so much for the comment <3
I honestly didn't realized i won anything since im very new to NG and the pagelayout confused me- but im happy it blew up ,,
so thank you for saying that! ;w;

I will try to slap a border frame onto it perhaps, i was going for a more watercolory look here,perhaps a frame would be nice for a cleaner piece

My daily fix of dave and carl

haha I guess brownies do solve evrything lol anyways another fun entry here with some really nifty outcomes so no changes needed once again, some nice moments and some chuckles to come along, I cant get enough of this comic its always so entertaining and the adventures you take the characters on always gotta have My daily fix of dave and carl because I Cant get enough of this comic its always something nifty and fun.

another fun entry here with some really nifty outcomes so no changes needed once again


Love it

haha that ending text bubble was pretty funny stuff I have no imput on any changes as you have done a fantastic job here really nice work, I do love this comic series and hope it doesnt end anytime soon, the energy and funny jokes in this is what I have enjoyed the most from this series, its a pleasure to review this and all the side stuff like the top-tens but regardless this particular entry here gave me a good fun chuckle I love the jokes in this one.

I have no imput on any changes as you have done a fantastic job here really nice work


Very nice character

So this was some very nice character work you have here you have some very detailed points and this was just some solid work all the way around so nice job indeed, that moon in the backround seems cool maybe more glow in its luminating light would be cool anyways very nice job here

that moon in the backround seems cool maybe more glow in its luminating light would be cool


A fun adventure

Its nice to see a pico day version and tankmen and when your out of beer its never good lol another funny one here no changes needed, So here we are with another great adventure with such great humor I love how far you have taken this comic series from the very start to what it is now and it keeps going strong so props to you this particular entry was really funny and full of some adventure.

lol another funny one here no changes needed


A fun mix of comic here

What I love the most about this entry is the color and lighting effects would really love to see more of your comics with this kind of lighting, so this was A fun mix of comic here, you have some nice detail here and the outcome of this one was pretty nifty, these comic entries get better with each new one and I found this to be a delight, so really nice work here on this submission and I hope to see more.

would really love to see more of your comics with this kind of lighting



Very nice visual here its unique and different I like it so really nice job here, Well this particular piece of art has won an award it was well deserving so nice job indeed, congrats on the awarad and a fun piece anyways great stuff here this was nice.

Well I honestly feel there is no need for changes on this piece as you have done a really nice piece of work here and a fantastic visual


This comic series is pure awsome

Well a I come and go from your comic it always amazes me this particular one could use more humor at the end but overall it ws entertaining, some really good details and effects but most of all you bring on some great comic frames with a twist of adventure This comic series is pure awsome A fine comic series here, some great frames of adventures and great characters aswell, always feeding off of eachother really makes this combo work well.

this particular one could use more humor at the end but overall it ws entertaining


Nice visual

So here was a nice visual love the color theme here would love more shines sparkles and glows but overall this was an intense visual, you have some good Insight on the art world so nice efforts here. A nice piece you have here and must have taken you some good amount of time to put it all together

would love more shines sparkles and glows but overall this was an intense visual


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