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So this was cool I like the wholw idea of the wrecking ball reference you flipped an idea here and did a pretty good idea too Onlything I might ad would be adding more backround as it was somewhat bland but in the end is not needed either but overall this was pretty cool so nice job indeed.

Great stuff nothing major


Very cool

The view shots in this one was intense keep that up, So I always find myself enjoying this web comic most of all even though theres so many entries of this one you seem to bring out some awsome adventure within the characters and make them fun and entertaining with all the stories that you bring out so nice job, I would think after seven hundred stories and such you might get tired but they actually get better like this one here today.


Wow amazing

Wow now thats some amazing work the amount of detail and line depth is intense this is one of my new faves now really enjoyed this maybe think about adding a detailed or colored border / frame of some sort to really make it stand out, just an idea anyways great stuff.

think about adding a detailed or colored border / frame of some sort to really make it stand out


Cool web-comic

Wish this one had more to it like the results of the snakes lol, and as always I find myself reviewing one of these brilliant and fun comic styles you have the characters are my faves as they always doing something crazy you make these characters full of flavor and vibe, so good energy you bring to this wonderfull comic series.


Very unique I love how it has a stencil look to it I don't think I've seen a piece like this before, I love the black color, though the red in the back leaves a little to be desired, Still it is a really good piece because it is so different and unique, My only suggestion is make the red a little darker or color it in a little more, so it looks less rushed and more like a finished product but other then that this was nice.

My only suggestion is make the red a little darker or color it in a little more, so it looks less rushed and more like a finished produc



Another funny one the backround was a tad bland but was still very entertaining, Another great piece to the puzzle, these web-comics you have, have some great ideas behind them and bring out some nifty outcomes, the characters are full of life and there adventures bring fun to the series and ofcourse this series has some good humor, so nice efforts all the way through.


Nice work

A short one but still entertaining, Nice work as always a good comic series you have here but then again you already knew that this was pretty good though, Love the story most of all even as short as they are, but always this was still pretty good stuff, and I like the way this one plays out from start to finish.



You have a nice idea here and created some random art but all together it looks nice so welldone on this one I really like what you have done here, very nice work some of it was simple but was still pretty cool would love some borders or fancy frames on this piece though anyways once again great work.

would love some borders or fancy frames on this piec


davidpuralocura responds:

omg two reviews by wayne himself
thank you a lot
i never thought of borders or frames
i think it would be a nice way to experiment with paintings

Such an amazing web series

I am loving the long comic here and nice job on the space shuttle love the detail, Very nice comic Such an amazing web series you have created here this was a nice element of visuals and some great funny humor, so nice job here and this particular issue here was really nice and made me chuckle a few times anyways nice job indeed.


Very nice work here

very sharp and deep colors and the lighting effects really come alive would love some even more sparkles and glows, this guy has always creeped me out probably because of the way he looks and has been drawn, I like the artist's version here because, though it's a darker piece the way he's drawn here is less scary looking, I'm sure most people would like it just because it's the Grinch and he's a cult classic though I'm not sure why.

the lighting effects really come alive would love some even more sparkles and glows


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