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This was like an action poster of sorts love the vibrant color on this too maybe even adding in some borders would be a plus, Great stuff here and nice style of art work here I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort.


Very intense

Love the epic battle here Love the glow in the rats eyes almost feel like you could have had more glows like that An interesting piece of art indeed njoy reviewing stuff like this so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catches the eye, While there are a lot of interesting pieces that come through the portal I did find this one to really be a rare find. You bring on some unique details within the whole piece, But anyways you have some amazing work and I look forward to even more down the road anyways great work, so untill next time this was pretty awsome work.



A zombie or spirit character looking for his slab some nice detail on this character, love what you did with the eyes, What a great art piece here a great find indeed its these kinds of pieces that really draw my attention and glad I came across this one.


Wow intense

Now this was something very unique like mystical dragon wish there was more backroun to this would have been pretty cool, So as I get started I get a good smile because art is good in whatever art brings but I found this to be an amazing art entry with an amazing uniqie style to it, This was a good art piece these types can be hard to review, because of how good it really is, but with that said this was pretty good I thought, Infact I would call it pretty stellar you bring some blending and it meshes so well I hope you keep making unique and interesting pieces like this one it was a nice entry so keep doing what you do.


drachenmagier responds:

Thank you very much! <3 Sadly, I can't provide you with much background information here, since it was really just one of the typical commissions, where I get a character artwork and told to please draw it in my style. :D It was a lot of fun though and I loved how extreme and over the top the original idea was~.

Wow nice

This one was pretty colorful and you bring on different versions of this one its a nice piece indeed, love the use of color and a great character too, You have a sense of stylization and flair about this piece and it was interesting to say the least.


Nice combo

So this was a nice combo of characters here love all the cuteness in this one too, I will look for more of your stuff to come through the portal in the near future its some brilliant designs and creations so untill then keep up the creative designs and creations such as you have done here.


Very nice

So this was nice and has a comic feel about it the character art is very nice and love the use of dark elements too and a fun expression on the characters face, so props from me to you and hope you keep up the amazing talents and art detail like this one anyways nice work here.


Very nice

I love the orange skintone here really accents very well and nice fox tail too, very nice indeed, A unique style here This style was pretty interesting and keeps me wanting even more so keep at it it caught my attention. great character here keep up the awsome work.


Another good one

Love the white top on this one it accents everything very well wish there was more stuff that gave the different style like this one does This spoke volumes it has a deep visual and stylish touch about it, Overall a nice character indeed hope to see much more soon.


Nice character

The colors came off well purples and dark purples work well on this I did think the stars in the backround could have more animated element about them, This was a good art piece these types can be hard to review because of how good it really is but with that said this was pretty good I thought.


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