
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice muscles

You have some nice muscles on this one and the yellow skintone was a unique choice here but seems to have come out well, so nice job indeed, I for one look forward to even more of your designs as this was just pure solid work, Once again a great character here.



This was a cute character here some nice use of color and you made it vibrant also some sort of advert here but still found this to be kind of interesting, For me this was a brilliant design of a entry pretty amazing if you ask me, But regardless this was a nice entry here.


Nice eyes

There are lots of eyes on this one and its a unique creature of some type here but you seem to have a way with color on this design, This was a cool looking entry and you really made it pop with delight, But anyways a nice art entry here had fun with this entry.


Awsome scene

This was a really good scene I almost feel like there could be even more blood more splatter etc, What a great art piece here a great find indeed its these kinds of pieces that really draw my attention and glad I came across this one, very nice indeed, A unique style here This style was pretty interesting and keeps me wanting even more so keep at it it caught my attention

Wish there was more stuff that gave the different style like this one does. This spoke volumes it has a deep visual and stylish touch about it, so props from me to you and hope you keep up the amazing talents and art detail like this one, you have really created a world with this scene, maybe even adding more people running around.


sinnykitt responds:

Aaa thank you so much!! It’s always a fun challenge to experiment with different styles haha! I’ll keep at it!


This was something different kind of dark but still a fun character here love the eyes on this nice work here indeed It was something not everyone does well but you made it work well and look goodI really think you have a unique style of art here.



I like this for a number of reasons the pose was nice I did think some added shine, and even some added glow on the eyes would be a plus here A very nice art piece you have here You have something of good quality here, This was kind of majestic and you bring some diverse visuals, Great stuff here and nice style of art work here,

I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort, Art is always a fine thing and art comes in many different forms thats what I love about reviewing different types of artwork such as this one here, You have a sense of stylization and flair about this piece and it was interesting to say the least, anyways nice character here really good pose here.


Nice drawing

so this was a little something nice here good little detail within it all, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see So as my overview review of this concludes soon, Hope you make more stuff like this one.



This was a nice pool day good pose on the character here great expression I will say that This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this submission You have a stellar piece, anyways nice work here.


Very nice

This was a nice character love the purple orb almost feel like there could be more sparkle there blending unique styles anyways decent art piece here keep making stuff like this So keep doing what you do its always a pleasure to review your work.



This was an awsome character love how you blend hot and cold colors at times and it really blends very well, I am always amazed at what people make so I am always pleased with stuff like this I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design as you have done here today.


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