
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very bird like

This was different from your normal stuff and very bird like love the yellow claws Its always stuff like you have presented here that I really enjoy You have shown us that all it takes is a little twist here and there, anyways great character once again.


Very nice

Love the red dress here it accents the lighter skintones of the character very well, hope you have enjoyed this critique Hope I did not drag it on too much I will say it is a pleasure to see unique art and style like this one and on that note its always a pleasure.



Well it was another entertaining piece of the comic lol or update lol A really nice addition to the portal there was lots to see in this one and there was some good shown effort on your part and that keeps me really interested and wanting for more.



This was pretty nice I love the flames on this almost feel like there could have been even more glowing flames but a nice character there was alot that went into this a dash of this and a dash of that you even added some fusions that made this work even more better.


Very nice

So this was pretty good love the colortone on the skin here and what looks to be a day at the beach, the blends of design you have in this blend so well and all in all this was just a fantastic element and artistic value that shines, some very nice work here.


Love the blue

I really love the blue on this one you really make for some good colors even in watercolor so nice job, What can I say more about this interesting and unqique piece of art Its an exclusive and accomplished piece of art you have allowed us to enjoy so nice work.



I found this one to be pretty cute a nice character fun slogan and just good humor, Love when the portal has fantastic works of art such as this submission An accomplished piece here entirely done and Passionately done, very good character work too so nice job.


Nice switch

This was a nice before and after switch you have here I was really impressed with this piece as a whole I love the deepness and the depth of it you really do know how to ad detail to a simple element and that shows off well, but anyways great character work here.



Well the joke got across very well lol nice fun characters and some nice comic style here, so not to dwell into the world you you have presented here I like your style here and love the vibe this gives off, but anyways keep up the good art style and comic style art.


Very nice

I really like what you did here with the glow around the character its a nice touch A fun find in the portal with these kinds of submissions a symbolic submission if I say so myself you have appropriately shown off some detail you have shown some good stylization.


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