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Another nice character here and love the restraints on this one the purple skintone was pretty nice, You have extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece, and a great character here but as always you do some amazing work.



Now this was an intense piece I also love the title because the visual explains it all and the amount of color on this is also amazing very good work on this skellie of death, Fully loaded with the unexpected thats the vibe I get from this and thats just the start of things Seems like there was some good time and effort put into this,

I am generally not a fan of these types art submissions but it had some un expected detail fun and some nice visuals, you have a nice skill and you have shown this very well keep up the nice work and my final overview of this is that you have some good quality here, It was a pleasure to review this fine piece here Please do grace us with even more fun art style like this one here, anyways amazing work.


PT-Bonesy responds:

Thank you so much, this is the most thoughtful comment I’ve gotten on my art! :,)

I’m so happy you enjoyed my piece and that it managed to speak to you even if you normally don’t like these types of submissions! I was a bit worried that traditional art wouldn’t be as accepted as digital but I’m glad I was wrong! Hopefully I’ll be able to make the quality of my pictures even better and I plan on adding new paintings and sketches instead of old ones from Instagram from this point on. B)


I love the dark detail here and a nice dark character also the detail is amazing, You make it look easy but made this entry with lots of flavour it was pretty interesting and was a good overall piece of art, and I for sure look forward to more stuff like this, Thats always a big plus so while I end this review keep up the amazing work.



The view shot on this from the characters standing view point sets the tone and there is a lot of detail all around so very nice work indeed, I wont bore you you any longer as this was just something refreshing to review and look at so I admire your work here.


PkBlitz responds:

Thank you so much!


The texture and depth of the character is amazing especially the skintone love all the details like the helmet and backround elements, Some very creative art piece here its a pleasure to review it once again fantastic piece great effort seems to have gone into this it is fluid with talent and creation, Your ideas really seem to come alive in this piece So here I come to the end of the review, I had got a good experience from this.


nakvi responds:

woah, thank you so much man!! loved your review. I enjoyed doing this piece so I'm glad you like it :)


This was actually a fun and cute crossover fusion love the vibrant colors and outfits, You cant go wrong with a nice art find like this one here This is like an endless yet large hearted and well dedicated art piece, anyways funny and cute characters.


Love it

I love the black and white tone here you really create a world with your detail in this piece I added this as one of my faves, I like the flavour you bring to this submission in some ways it was kind of unique but anyways a good piece of art you have here and I am glad to have seen this, I must say pieces like this really speak volumes and the details really show off well


Cute again

As always you have made some nice cute characters and bring on a nice comical element, making for a refreshing pice, its like looking into your world from your eyes and honestly im ok with that because this was a beautiful art entry, but good stuff regardless.



This was nice and the candles are cool would have loved more of a sparkle from the flames and such, I love the freshness of this art piece So I am fully supportive of this engaging piece a superb piece a pleasure to have seen this piece of creativity nice work.



This had lots of nice color almost has a canadian feel about it but I do like the mix of color within this character, A refreshing and remarkable moment full of enjoyment and that needs no explanation and I hope to see more soon, You bring out the best in these commissions.


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