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Love it

Wow I have to say that this was very nice, I especially love the chain ball maybe some added shine and sparkle to the front of it would make it stand out more, overall this was an amazing art piece and a great little character here I look forward to even more.

maybe some added shine and sparkle to the front of the chain ball


Love it

I love the two face portrait thing here you have some nice work here I would suggest some borders or frames to accent it all a little better, Portrait art is always difficult to do I like the artist's use of darkness and shadows here yet again, They were able to capture all the facial details and expressions perfectly, I love artwork that combines two different things, like the two faces here. It's so different from other types of art. It's very creative and difficult to achieve.

I would suggest some borders or frames to accent it all a little better


A cool B/W

Maybe some added borders or frames or more backround elements, So this was A cool B/W the black and white theme you have created here is something different the sketch and detailed line work is amzing its always nice to see some good black and white drawings such as this one here you dont always need color to make something awsome.

some added borders or frames or more backround elements


davidpuralocura responds:

thank you
after making painting with a lot of color
going back to just black and white is nice
sometimes limiting yourself makes you limitless

A cool and talented Drawing

Love the fine detail in this one I do however wish there was more element of detail in the blandish backround, Well this is A cool and talented Drawing with a Black and white theme you have going on here you really pushed a splash of detail and some fine detail at that the fact its black and white doesnt lower its quality at all infact might even raise the bar a abit.

wish there was more element of detail in the blandish backround


Very artistic

so these cans are very artistic I really like how creative you were here in taking some cans and creating art with them being spray cans they create arte themselfs, would have been another creative idea to have a sort of glow surrounding each can or something, Very scary very creepy Like the stuff you see in those scary creepypasta videos on YouTube, It could give an easily frightened person nightmares It sort of stays in your head because it is rather strange looking that's probably why a lot of people like it, It's something you don't see everyday.

would have been another creative idea to have a sort of glow surrounding each can or something


Purple madness

I love the purple element here you really went all out with some very nice detail but most of all the color just jumps out at you very nice work on the different purples in this, I wouldnt mind seeing much more lighting comming from behind and hitting forward, This one is very cute I also loving the coloring on it, Perfectly drawn They're like disturbing looking Pokemon from outer space yet they still look cute and adorable, It seems like there's a story forming behind it, Who are they? Will they attack? Can you keep them as pets?

I wouldnt mind seeing much more lighting comming from behind and hitting forward


Black and white style of a drawing

That face is great love the details especially in the eyes, would love a spot of color maybe within the eyes, Very good black and white themed drawing here you bring lots of structure to this and make the art portal a much more fun place, this was an amazing B/W drawing some really nice structure, this particular Black and white style of a drawing is unique and brings alot to the table.

would love a spot of color maybe within the eyes


Very nice work

This was some cool work is it clay or 3d? regardless this was pretty cool love the bland backround it shows maybe some free thinking maybe a cloud above his head with some thinking, but anyways you do some good work and it shows off pretty well in this one.

nice work make more no major changes needed at the moment


Rukuha-san responds:

Thanks, darling <3
It's plasticine (clay) and then I just edit the white background.

Nice visual

I love the blank faces with this one they remind me of the beatles for some reason lol, I think this could have been even better with some backround details maybe some world element or maybe some pateren and art design, A little intriguing, maybe used as a guide for those learning to draw the head and facial shape, The color and shading adds a dark creepy look and feel to it, I see a lot of this type of artwork on Goth and Horror pages on Facebook, There's a disturbing cool vibe to it.

I think this could have been even better with some backround details maybe some world element or maybe some pateren and art design



So this was nice I like the light up points seems like you could have the light up points glow even more maybe even some sparkle and suchm maybe even have the framework glow or sparkle, but other then that this was really good work and I hope to see more of your work sometime soon.

some added sparkle and glows would be nice.


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