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I am loving the color here you really bring some nice elements here, and make it all just jump out at you so some nice color depth here, Well I do have to say congrats on the awards received on this piece it was well deserved so nice work indeed, Great job on winning some awards thats always a nice touch and shows that the fans, users and viewers really enjoyed it as I did so congrats on that, anyways untill next time.

Would love to see some borders on this.


Wow so beautiful

This was a beautiful visual piece of art here, I really love the little details in this even the lips came off so well I was even thing maybe some added glossy shine on the lips just to give it that extra glare, Marvelous Face and facial features are always the most difficult to draw, Once again a flawless piece, I love the close up of the eyes once again any details and embellishments are kept to a minimum there's a beauty about this piece I really like it.

the lips came off so well I was even thing maybe some added glossy shine on the lips just to give it that extra glare


Very smooth

Love the smooth and fresh artwork here you have a nice style and the design and use of color behind the characters was a great touch love your style here seems like it could have used a border of some type though but other then that this was amazing.

seems like it could have used a border of some type


Pretty amazing

So this was some very nice work and brings me down memory lane, You have made this an Exclusive piece for me to review for today. And now we near the end of this here review, A nice piece you have here and it has made me want to checkout more of your work

Maybe some added shine and sparkle


Wow nice

So this was some intense art here love the vibrant color depth also, I would suggest maybe a border just an idea though, Wow I have to say that I love this piece of great imagination and awsome artwork here, you really bring us the Viewer into the depths of the world you are creating

I would suggest maybe a border just an idea though


Very nice

So this was cool and you cant go wrong with some black and white looks very detailed love the vibe of it and the whole void to represent your name is cool too so nice job all the way around I have no major ideas for suggestion as this is your own creative skills so nice job indeed.

None needed.


Void responds:

Thank you for the review!

Visualy beautiful

So this one has a visualy beautiful paint like style about it, Not sure what I would suggest its just some very talented and beautiful work, Perspective of the piece is high, matching that of Zelda’s as she watches Link in her Sheik disguise, The same blockiness from before equally matches the usual pixelated format of the games while providing a certain firmness towards structure of everything within the image, The flat colors overlap in a way that creates proper detailing and depiction of the aimed person OR object, A great example are the lava pits holding realistic-looking magma The saturation of color also creates adequate detailing the lighter additions of red along the rims of the pits makes for a look of heat while the darker grey around said pits make for shadows from said heat/light Excellently executed.

Not sure what I would suggest its just some very talented and beautiful work


Another great one

As always you do some amazing work and this was right up there with the best of them some solid work and you made it funny with the little chicklet ,akes me wonder if you have birds as a pet and such but regardless nice work here and do make more soon.

no suggestions needed you have outdone yourself.


I love it

There is always something about black and white styles that just apeal to me and have to say this one is very nice work I love the linework and love the detail, this will go in my faves list a very nice piece of artwork and love the black and white theme.

make more


Very nice

So glad to see you still posting art onthe grounds lots more birds and its always fun to see the different themes and birds so for that alone congrats, I do look forward to even more birds you have a nice style and the clor is not dominant so its all in a good place.

none needed


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