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A nice emblem or logo token of some sort this was really nice though and the detail is uncanny you really have some nice elements of style here the blues and yellow really work well with eachother, I think with some of the yellows you could really shine that up to a sparkly mode, but anyways nice job.

Some shine and sparkly on the yellow.


Fantastic 3-d Art

Love the different views maybe some added glow behind each view of the board to accent them more, You have created some Fantastic 3-d Art and it really shows off well smooth details and flashy after effects, a great art style and an interesting idea with this particular piece, very nice work indeed, and I have enjoyed reviewing this one so do make more down the road.

maybe some added glow behind each view of the board to accent them more



This was amazing just the point of view was really nice I almost feel like if you added a sparkle at the end of his weapon it would be a nice touch, you have a beautiful character here really amazing work here love the character design aswell, anyways great stuff.

I almost feel like if you added a sparkle at the end of his weapon it would be a nice touch


JinnPixel responds:

Thank you very much for such a nice review! Nice suggestion about the sparkle!

This was beautiful

So this was a nice and beautiful pose and its super girl so you cant really go wrong here with that one, the backround was pleasent so this was a nice art pose and piece, would have been nice worth more sunlight comming in onto her her but more dominant, anyways nice work

Some more sunlight would be nice.


A nice view of 3-D

I love the spinning element on this onlything I moght change might be some sparkle off the globe, So this is A nice view of 3-D with some nice artistic elements presented too you really know how to make this kind of stuff and make it shine at its best so props to you on some amazing 3-D style of art here and I look forward to even more down the road.

onlything I moght change might be some sparkle off the globe



Very sensual and a delight of a view wish there was a tad more sparkles and shine but still very nice, It has some interesting elements about this and I grew to like it. I love the Desire you bring to the table so awsome job once again.

wish there was a tad more sparkles and shine but still very nice


Love the colors

The luminating color really play a huge role here and make it jump out, I have no changes in mind because you have done a great job here, So lets get this critique started. So I got some good pleasure from this piece, its those little things that keep me interested. you have for sure Sinisterly caught my attention.

I have no changes in mind because you have done a great job here



So this was like a comic and I see you have others like it so I wont suggest to make more lol, This was a delightful piece with all sorts of elements about it. But here is some Extended part of the review that I wanted to do, This piece here seems to tell a story and make you want to really dwell into that story

I see you have others like it so I wont suggest to make more lol


Love it

So this was pretty cool the scene here is nice like an action pose and with that sword raised high its nice maybe an added sparkle or shine at the top of the blade, really nice use of color in this one, other then that you have really made a nice piece of art here.

an added sparkle or shine at the top of the blade


Nice visual

So here was a nice visual here you have a nice use of color too and everything seemed to come together here very nice visuals and I love the colored stars in the backround almost feel like the colored stars could even have more of a glow about them, but regardless this was pretty cool.

the colored stars could even have more of a glow about them


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