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Now this was some beautiful work love the texture of the color and scene it all came together very well nice work here indeed It was something not everyone does well but you made it work well and look goodI really think you have a unique style of art here, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see So as my overview review of this concludes soon, I will say that This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this submission You have a stellar piece of blending unique styles anyways decent art piece here keep making stuff like this So keep doing what you do its always a pleasure to review your work.



This was more of a msg but still really well done For the mostpart it was pretty nifty I thought I did find this to be delightful and just an overall nice piece, Alright so I will throw some props at you as this was a pleasure of an art piece and these types of pieces is what really gets me inspired



Wow this character was pretty amazing here, love the backround too lots of nice detail added and you made it look easy A fantastic entry of art and creative element You have the ambition for unique stuff like This was neat and strange and very impressive it has a certain artistic feel to the art style and it was just strange but that was a good thing Kudo's to you on this art piece, character was awsome


Very nice

I love the color here but most of all you gave the character some action would have liked some added backround and such I tend to say create a good foundation and maximize that passion and energy into more success you have done just that, Art at its best a very unique piece if you ask me, this was something different and I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, so as I finally get this review finished my overview of this whole piece is that of a positive one because this was pretty good keep doing what you do, anyways untill next time keep up the awsome art work anyways untill next time so keep creating from the imagination, would have liked some added backround and such


Awsome character

Now this was an awsome character piece maybe add on some borders to make it more fancy, This can be a complex idea but then it is also a simple representation but thats all great and good to see people using the simplistick ideas and turning them into positive outcomes I have found this find to be one unique find indeed, Well here is the extended review I had a fun pleasure in reviewing this great character poster style here


chokocock666 responds:

thanks you for the review over my character 🦈💕!! I really like having critism :D

Great character

First of all I really love the dark element of the character itself and even the backrounds are pretty impressive So in this overview you appropriately polished some nice points here and gave it some nice exhilaration so kudo's to you on A thrilling piece here allthough I will say it has been a pleasure to find this art entry, A magnificent visual of art here with a unique blend and twists and has a very unique vibe around it, make more dark elements like this


LordAldrin75 responds:

Thanks man! I'll keep all that stuff about the dark elements noted.

Cool cover

Its like a comic cover of some sort the spiderman fuesion is a nice touch You cant go wrong with a nice art find like this one here This is like an endless yet large hearted and well dedicated art piece its like looking into your world from your eyes and honestly im ok with that because this was a beautiful art entry, I love the freshness of this art piece So I am fully supportive of this engaging piece a superb piece a pleasure to have seen this piece of creativity, A refreshing and remarkable moment full of enjoyment and that needs no explanation and I hope to see more soon very soon infact. love the spiderman fuesion here


Nice character

You have a nice character here and a good pose, could have added some backround detail You love some creativity and thats what you have shown us here today with this stylish piece So thank you for putting the time into art stuff like this one here I great enjoyed viewing it, I am overwhelmed with your style and energy you put fourth here, Cute character and pose here


Awsome character

This was an awsome character a madness fuesion? the eye seems like it could have more of a glow This submission lumminates a unique art style and thats what I love about it As I continue this review off I can already tell this is something differant and even special in a way, you have done pretty good with this glad I had the chance to review this unique style you have put yourself in the spotlight and created an energetic piece with all the right Ingredients, almost feels like you could have more effects on this character


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