
17,993 Art Reviews

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Looks like you have really captured the visual of it and gave it some nice realistic element This one radiates of style and color I like these types for the effort and style you put fourth probably not my type of art piece but again you put fourth the effort and they do grow on me, This was one unique art piece you have created here really nice to see, looks realistic



So just want to say this was pretty amazing and you really make some beautiful color flow well and just mixed well, great detail in this too So first of all I am an instant fan of your art style here this reviewer is pleased with the well structured and detailed piece here, I have really come to really enjoy these kinds of submissions they bring so much to the portal and they create a great experience, love the use of color here.


Wow nice

The shio designs are very impressive I love the combo of elements in here wish there was even more backround detail though, A fun find in the portal with these kinds of submissions a symbolic submission if I say so myself you have appropriately shown off some detail you have shown some good stylization, You have extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece, with all that said I wont bore you you any longer as this was just something refreshing to review and look at so I admire your work here and in the days months and years to come, And now that we are at the end of the review I will say that it was a good find.



This was actually a nice black and white piece here seems like there could be even more detail added on the backend, A very nice art piece you have here I have to say this was not what I was expecting at first but it was really growing on me as you really braught this out so very nice work here, good entry here and and it shines with delight so nice work indeed, seems like there could be even more detail added on the backend anyways nice work here


Love it

The backside of the muscles came off really well and you have such a great pose on him, Love when the portal has fantastic works of art such as this submission An accomplished piece here entirely done and Passionately done, I was really impressed with this piece as a whole I love the deepness and the depth of it you really do know how to ad detail to a simple element and that shows off well here so not to dwell into the world you you have presented here I like your style here and love the vibe this gives off, So please do create with imagination and passion as you have done so here, you have such a great pose on him nice character work.


Cool character

A candy cane gal lol she is floating along I think some added shine on the cany cane would be a nice gesture Nice piece you even added a little Twist and that was an exceptional and even engaging idea You present us with this lovely art style that brings many lots of joy including yourself, You crave creativity and thats what you have showcased here today, fun candy cane character here.


Wow Intense

The detail on this was very intense love the fine details within it all very deep details here This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, A brilliant piece of art here and I have to say it really comes full circle in the depth of your detail and all the little detail that comes alive from this, Finally I come to the end of this review so always hard to end on a review never know what to say but you have a nice vision here, I do want to say just keep up the creativity and, love that detail and the whole skull like visual too keep making fantastic stuff just as this one


Awsome work

This was an awsome portrait you have here, love the frame or magizine element in the backround, this was really nice work on billie I am sure there is alot that goes on behind the scenes and alot that us the viewer never see so you know the work is there and I just have to say you deserve a big pat on the back as you bring out some nice quality like you have here I like that you bring some nice details and stylish elements into art submission, make more magizine types like this.


sekim0118 responds:

Glad you liked it
Thanks :D


This was a cute combo here and I am enjoying the top view colors are nice and its a fun cute piece What an amazing piece of some art in this entry truly something to behold kinda jumped out at me but thats what made this all the more interesting A unique and interesting design you have here and it jumps with some flavour so keep on doing what you do Cute couple here.


A-Shada responds:

thank you :)


So this here was a pretty cute character and very colorful and on top of that a fun pose, You have shown some very nice talents with your artworks on this piece you did put fourth some effort and bringing some good creativity to the boards gonna give you a big Kudo's on this savvy piece of work as it was really catching my eye so nice work and a fun character here.


87octane responds:

awwh, thanks man!! <3

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