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Nice christmas scene

I love this because of the christmas scene you have here, the whole scene is filled with detail especially love the fire place I love that you have created something goodt with some energy and you have some good talents that show off well I am pretty pleased with the outcome and results here, I am normally accustomed to end the review here but I do want to comment on a little more and basicly you have a nice submission here, great christmas scene here


crazystorm-165 responds:

Aww, thanks for all the time writing this out.
While this was a commission, it was for a video game I really like, but is only held up by fan servers now. I had a lot of control to add all the details I wanted, so, I really enjoyed getting to spend time making all details filled with references to the game and making it a cute and wholesome scene. My favourite detail is the silly painting of the bunny girl skiing, hehe.

This was basically my tribute to the characters I like so much, it was nice to draw them having fun and hanging out together <3 I’m very glad you enjoy it.

Good character

This here was a nice character and love the fine details in the suit some added backround depth would be a plus here, This art entry vibes with a unique art style and thats what I love about it So this will be my extended part of the review, because you seem to have the desire as accustomed to your art style so just wanted to say how good it is so nice energy here, as mentioned above added backround depth would be a plus anyways nice character.


Wow thats impressive

The sharp design and fresh colors you really made it look realistic too I am interested to see more of your work based off of this interesting and unique piece, But lets get thru this review first I will say you really do have something special here this type of art can really get you thinking and thats what you have presented here today, You have the desire to make something awsome and thats what you did here today, Not everyone is always Accustomed to that, but my overview is that you bring a blend of ideas and put them all together with some nice art style and or idea and make it work well, Love the before and after too nice design here


Nice poster

This was like a poster but some nice art you have on this one maybe some added frame and or border This was a nice art submission here some interesting details What a brilliant submission you have a unique way about your art style Very nice work here and some nice effort aswell, I dont know what to say about this picture or much to say aside from what I have already mentioned above, As mentioned some added frame and or border.



Well once again a beautiful character and you just have a way with watercolors, I can't truly describe how great this visual actually looks in words but I do enjoy how the details come alive I have grown to like this you gave it a knockout touch and some flair about it Kind of gotta take in all the elements of this submission, The magic of water colors is here


Nice combo

This is a nice combo of characters the girs have this specific expression and this whole piece has a nice backround you bring a whole new element and make it work maybe the small little details that strive here and there but you make it jump out at you, But I like it and like all the energy you put fourth Your vision on this entry is really nice and just radiates creativity, no changes needed here



This was an interesting character here Love the pink majenta hair lol I really like what I am seeing here and thats a good thing So here is some more critique and dont let it Twist you because I like the way it all manages to flow right together and blends, A beautiful piece of art here and you dont see much styles like this so I wanted to take the time to write a review for this great fantastic piece nice character here


BoomchickaMH responds:

thank you very much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my work~

Nice character

You have a nice concept of the character here I think some added glowing effects would be a plus on this especially on the eyes It was also special with the elements around it as well you really pushed the details and the small things that makes visuals like this just jump out, I really like when people make these styles of artwork because its not everyday we get to see stuff like this, Some added effects as mentioned would be a plus.



Another fine pixel element here and as always its pretty nifty especially with all the different visual points here So here is my critique I like this art piece because you have pushed the limits and covered everything on all fronts I like your style you bring us here An amazing art submission you have a unique way about your art style and showcase your talents very well


Nice pixel

Well this was a nice pixel piece but you even ad on some nice animation here very cute It is always a pleasure to see stuff like this they are artistic and show off the artists visions and skills So here today as it brings a certain quality about it so nice job indeed on this one, The expression you have planted on this submission of art is most impressive from start to finish cute pixel piece here


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