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This was an awsome top view of the character here very nice design This has some nice elements and deep detail well thats from my perspective of things I do like the idea of this and you gave it some nice depth and good detail, So sometimes its kind of hard to judge someones art but I think you have a wonderfull piece here, with this particular piece you did present some nifty and differant art, Great view from the top



This was a holiday special allthough I do think the outfit could be more red and more shiny, You have an amazing vision of unique detail It just sort of pulls you in so nice efforts and detail here I do hope you grace us with even more awsome pieces, And now I come to the end of the review sadly I have enjoyed seeing this and as I look at your piece it just really gets better and better, the outfit could be more red



Another great commission piece love the leapord design here I start off this review and its pretty awsome that you can find stuff like this I love the polished blend you bring to the art table here, it has a unique style and twist This piece radiates with a vibrant style of detail and energy I have come to really enjoy these pieces they bring so much to the table, water color style is nice


Wow nice

I love these bubbly like characters and the eyes are nice I was impressed with a number of areas keep dedicated ideas and Refreshing concept for future projects just like you have done here Another fine piece of art in the portal today is a good day for finding unique creations, Let it soar new hights and new random ideas you have created something awsome here, also love the bubbly shine



This was pretty intense would have loved more lighting effects on the beam, You have some dedicated ideas and art work here so it was a pleasure reviewing this piece and I hope one day to review more of your work as I thought it was a unique piece, This was one fantastic art entry you have created here really nice to see stuff like this, could be a comic scene very nice work here


indefatigable responds:



Well tikmas didnt look any better or fun I love the use of color on this piece After seeing this piece of art I am glad I did It was a pretty nifty piece This just Radiates a blend of unique style about it so keep up the positive ideas and effort, And finally polish is always a plus while your work may or may not need any as this was really a solid piece, amaing use of color


SmashWarrior376 responds:

Thank you so much! I will aim towards Improving!


I guess it is a sunshine flex the use of color here is amazing especially with the border like backround the muscles on the character are pretty good too I am no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me a style like this is pretty rare and unique I have enjoyed the results nice work here all the way around the use of color here is amazing.


conductorcat responds:

I appreciate the love, but this piece is definitely needing a redo! I'm glad to see the color pop worked out! :)

Wow nice

This was an awsome character here really intense shades and depth the animated version of this was nice too Some great talent with your creation here was glad I had a chance to check it out so make more stuff like this because ofcourse ill be there to review it, You have defined your work here in this submission But anyways good art piece here I like the effort you put fourth here, And thats just one thing that I have enjoyed about this piece very talented in the ways of art and style and honestly hope you keep making brilliant stuff like this and bring more ideas like it to the portal as you have done here on this one, great character here


Nice character

I love the view shot here and the cig was also a nice touch there was alot of nice detail points in this character I am happy to see artistic works just like this one But regardless of that lets get this one going and review some things here you for sure have the desire nice detail points in this character


Cursedpoptart89 responds:

Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated.

Interesting piece

This was interesting the purple character came off very well and some awsome texture in the hair it glimmerd well and shines, This one kind of grows on you as you dwell more into it you seemed to be accustomed to nice work like this and its a pleasure to view it first hand, Cool double characters here.


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