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Out of this world

The mixing of two very bright colors does well in creating an "UNEARTHLY-CREATURE", Every characteristic of this alien-like being is unique and striking enough that it is eye-catching in its entirety, Very hard to look away from it Albeit being an especially brilliant mix of "BLUE-AND-ORANGE" they compliment each other as does the purple hue of the planet the image does not come off as too obnoxious nor unnecessary in its "DETAILING" and color scheme, The starry background is also just right in that it is not too bright, Keeping the focus on the alien creature while still resembling a realistic space environment.

This was unique and artistic and the stars behind are nice I would suggest some stars brighter then others.


Nice and artistic

I am loving the color theme you have here the "IMAGINATION" of the other baby or persong comming out of the mouth was nifty too, I think you have a nice creativity style here and should make more of these types, Curved lines around the man’s mouth give girth to what’s "INSIDE" and add on to the detailing that supports the portrayal of the man’s age loose sagging of the features pertains to old age, The "COLOR-USED" has little to no saturation formulating a bleak mood for the "VIEWERS", What’s going on in the drawing in correlation to the color scheme and surrounding messiness produces an eerie feel to accompany the bleakness.

I think you have a nice creativity style here and should make more of these type


Very nice

You have a good idea here the "PORTRAIT" style art here was nice, I like the colored backround you should do something like that with a fancy border along the edges the color would really bring things out, An extreme saturation of surrounding color giving the character a boldness as they are outlined, The "COLOR-PALETTE" of the actual "CHARACTER" is brighter due to a possible intention for lighting; the latter is visible through the light shading on the shirt and face, The dash of white in the eyes gives a sparkling quality and the shading of the shirt provides a realistic creasing look of the fabric alongside the angle of lighting.

I like the colored backround you should do something like that with a fancy border along the edges the color would really bring things out


Nice dragons

Very soft shading and light line work despite the gentle curves and otherwise faded appearance the creature has definite shape and detailing, The same goes for the surface it is standing on the shading along the surface goes for a layered appearance giving the impression of a rocky environment, Seems like there could be more rocks and rubbish on the ground and would make for some good props for the visual scene here, Darkness of the background creatures in the air gives a perspective of distance highlighting their position within the drawing’s aimed scenery.

Seems like there could be more rocks and rubbish on the ground and would make for some good props for the visual scene here


Cool Temple

I like the Smooth design on this, for me sseems like having some people who are related to the temple would have been a nice fit in here, Digital take creates a definite, "STURDY-SHAPE" for the "BUILDINGS" volume is present for the building and its furnishing as well giving it a realistic look, The evident "SHADING" along the corners and in particular areas on the "TREES" creates lighting despite the sun not being visible to the viewer, The gradual disappearance of bold definition as the picture gets farther "THE-MOUNTAINS" gives a perspective of distance.

for me sseems like having some people who are related to the temple would have been a nice fit in here


You make a comic worth reading

There is some nice adventure here, the adventure that takes place in each comic is amazing, This is a pretty awsome series and it really has "GROWN-ON-ME", from the small details to the "CRAZY-JOKES" and while some are simple they are all entertaining just like this entry here.

Great entry make more of these


Another fine piece

So here was another fine piece of art here, great "POSE" nice form of the body and a decent backround, some added shine on the glasses would be a nice touch if you ask me, but you do some amazzing work may not need it, but regardless it was a pleasure reviewing this art here today.

added shine on the glasses would be a nice touch if you ask me


Nice painting

A very luminating heart I might suggest adding some red and white bleeding borders or frames to represent the title even, The white border surrounding the heart shaped figure "ILLUMINATES" it bringing the viewer’s attention to it immediately, A use of "WATER-COLOR-PAINT" seems to be apparent here which is helpful in adding a look that “BLEEDS” out into the darker shades in the background, Said darker shades serve look like shadows creating a perplexing yet alluring art piece, The simple figure of a heart speaks volumes.

I might suggest adding some red and white bleeding borders or frames to represent the title even



The angles of each head on the creature add perspective while providing them with a certain individuality that does not interfere with each other. Individuality is also noticeable in the apparent differences in "FACIAL-FEATURES" for every head, The red sky helps create THE-WORLD-THIS-CREATURE-RESIDES-IN, as well as the supporting creatures around it, Shading in certain areas adds a perfect mixture of boldness and realistic detailing.

Nice dragons seems like you could have had some light source maybe something from the back end.


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