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Really nice pixel

So here you have some really nice pixel art I am loving the dark colors and element here the reds look very sharp and really jump out at the viewer, almost feel like a deep red border would greatly increase the view point of it all, but anyways really nice work.

feel like a deep red border would greatly increase the view point of it all


DenisPopyvanov responds:

thanks, i will think about it)


So the black and white theme here on this one was kind of interesting I do wish this whole piece was on a larger scale the canvus or screen size just seems kind of small, but you have a nice drawing design and structure here was pretty nice work indeed.

wish this whole piece was on a larger scale the canvus or screen size just seems kind of small



Well you cant go wrong with some pixel and I have to say this was very nice wouldnt mind a tad bit more animated stuff in there, Now here was a pleasure of a viewing, and while this review is ending soon, it was still a pleasure of your art piece so nice effort here. and I will look for more of your stuff

wouldnt mind a tad bit more animated stuff in there


Amazing characters

very creative and cute. They remind me of characters my siblings used to create on meez. Little virtual game characters. I like these alot. Like realistic chibi. I love the large head and small body. That adds to the cute effect of them. The details in the face are great as well. In guessing that all three characters are connected in some way. That's pretty cool too

Nothing to improve on persay but some borders or some backround detail would be nice.


Very detailed

So this was pretty cool some really nice detail on the armour or suit here would have liked it if there was more shine and sparkle maybe even some added detail in the distance, but overall this was something pretty nifty some really nice artwork here.

Some added sparkle and shine.


This was cool

So this was kind of nifty and a nice group of dogs here the clothing came off well, I did think adding something in the backround maybe some trees or something but your character of dogs was well detailed even the one that looks somewhat like a cat lol anyways no changes other then maybe some backround would be nice, keep up the good work.

no changes other then maybe some backround would be nice


I like it

So this was pretty cool the colors are very vibrant and some nice and deep texture of colors, that gold ring in the backround is nice seems like it could have more of a goldish sparkle to standout more, but overall this was some nice art and a great character.

that gold ring in the backround is nice seems like it could have more of a goldish sparkle to standout more


TKoczak responds:

Thank you for a great comment! The gold ring is still a part of the background, so I'm afraid that making it stand out more, could've taken too much of viewer's attention from the character itself. Though thank you for the idea, I think the sparkles could work if the ring wasn't so bright, otherwise it would pop out from the background too much.

Very nice style

This here is some artistic style of art you have created, wish there was some more added to the backround, it's ok. I'm not really a fan of this one. Mainly the details in the face. Also the shape of the eyes, and the lines around them. There's something a little off putting about the way they're drawn. They need more sharp edges and angles. It appears as if the face is sagging or dropping. An easy fix by cleaning up any excess or unnecessary lines

wish there was some more added to the backround


Pixel at its finest

Some nice pixel art here onlything I might ad onto this would be some sparkles in the backround maybe even animated as some do like to do on these pixel types, Well here was some nice pixel art and at its finest too with some really nice visuals you have really outdone yourself with this one, you have talents and you showcase it well this was a nice art piece in pixel form, Pixel at its finest and I have enjoyed it. it was interesting to say the least, and it caught my attention, wish there was more stuff that gave the different style like this one does.

I might ad onto this would be some sparkles in the backround maybe even animated as some do like to do on these pixel types


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