
17,993 Art Reviews

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This was an interesting

So this was an interesting piece you have here I like the different view points here, seems like it could use a few more maybe not though, but overall this was a nice piece some good designs in this piece so please do keep up the fantastic work you have already created.

dont see any need for anything drastic here it was pretty impressive


Cool combo

So this was a nice and cool combo of characters here the poses of them all some very nice details with all the characters and great detail you have here with this one, so really nice work indeed on this art piece it was pretty nice work and I was very impressed with it all so really nice work here and I hope you make more beautiful art such as you have done so here.

This was fine as is it is a beautiful art piece and there is no need for any changes.


Decent work

So this was cool, I like the blue element the sparkles in the backround are nice wouldnt mind more of that back theres, the character is nice and well constructed the borders could be thicker too, but regardless this was a pretty cool piece of art here

A couple of things mentioned.



This was a beautiful girl and character here I like how you had the head turned here for this one, and it was a pleasent art piece to admire as she has nice facial features, and the lighting comming down on her neck and should was a really nice touch here.

Wouldnt mind some backround but I understand this is more of a portrait.


Really great character

so this was an amazing character you have here I love the darkness of it all, the green blades are pretty nifty too wouldnt mind more of a glow on the blades, but with all that said you have done a magnificent piece of work here and I look forward to even more.

the green blades are pretty nifty too wouldnt mind more of a glow on the blades


clayscence responds:

thank you very much for your comment!

Nice work

So this was a nice blam art piece love the old tank here and the whole newgrounds backround theme is pretty cool too not sure I would change anything on this piece its a nice visual of delight great details in the blam wording itself, maybe I would ad some sparkle on the tank cannon like its shiny, but anyways this was a nice art piece here very nice work indeed keep it up.

I would ad some sparkle on the tank cannon like its shiny


Really unique

So this was something really unique the texture of the outter skin tone is nice and well blended, the glowing sword was pretty nice and some great backround aswell you have some nice talents and make it work well, love the detail in this and in my ending notes here no changes are needed.

no changes are needed as mentioned.


Nice comic

So here was another nice comic you have here, I love how its like a comic strip and not just a comic the color filled scenes in this particular comic are really nice, some nice close ups and some good distanse scenes that make the comic exciting its not just a straight forward piece here a really nice comic you have here so really nice work and love the comic story idea anyways nice job.

Its a great comic stip and doesnt need any changes its very well done.


Some nice variation

I like the variation here the blue one was really nice you really bring it out color is very vibrant a nice visual point here with this one, you have some nice talents and make it look very nice and even artistic so awsome job indeed and hope to see more.

none needed



This was a beautiful piece here the size of the canvus or view screen in this case was very small so if anything I would suggest make it larger but maybe this was the intent you have some really nice work here love the shine on the hair it was really nice work indeed, and I look forward to anymore art you may have in the works keep making beautiful linework and colored pieces like this one here.

the size of the canvus or view screen in this case was very small so if anything I would suggest make it larger


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