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This was cool

So this was pretty cool I like the backround especially it sort of reminds me of older sonic games or the mario hill tops lol, but you do have some nice art here and I was pretty impressed with it all and have no changes in mind at this time, so keep up the fantastic work.

I was pretty impressed with it all and have no changes in mind at this time


Namenloose responds:

Thank you, X!


Well this was pretty funny here, I like how you had the backround in some sort of blur here but anyways this was notbad a good little humor here you should have had the "FISH" with some smelly art detail so its like it smells already, but besides that this was actually pretty good, and some nice artwork here, so nice job on this one, I do look forward to more from you in the near future.

some added smelly art detail of the fish.


Interesting for sure

So this was an interesting piece for sure I like the style of it all, wish there was more nifty animated parts maybe even some added detail in the backdrop, but overall you have a nice structure with a cute character really nice visual here hope you make more sometime soon.

A couple of things mentioned.


Aope responds:

Thanks I will! Working on some stuff right now since we are all lock down on our homes lol... But ya... I appreciate your comments have a great day!

Really nice

And here was a really nice scene very green and pleasent some nice little housing and an apple tree, very nice setting here a place that one can be there self in the wind, so really nice art here a great backround scene too, so honestly I wouldnt change anything this is pretty good painting and style here, hope to see more soon.

honestly I wouldnt change anything this is pretty good painting and style here


I like it

so this was something different I like the cycle and the character the outfit and cycle seem to have simular colors maybe that was intended might have been nice if the colors varied, but you have some nice talent thiswas very nice style of art keep at it.

might have been nice if the colors varied from the bike and characters outfit


bimshwel responds:

Originally the motorcycle had red colors but I changed it to match the character's purple skin-tone! This was not one of my better thought-out pieces; I drew it to amuse myself amidst some drudgery, and the higher-than-usual view count on this strikes me as peculiar!

Female Robot

Well this was a nifty tobot here I enjoy all the vibrant colors on this whole piece here, really beautiful textures and great color the stars in the backround was a nice touch you should think about doing a few things with the stars maybe some sparkle on some maybe some more brighter one some and maybe some even dimmer ones, regardless its just a small suggestion, you do some amazing work.

you should think about doing a few things with the stars maybe some sparkle on some maybe some more brighter one some and maybe some even dimmer ones



So I find this piece to be more on the refreshing side of things love the delightful characters and the icecream is nice I might suggest a sparkle on the icecream or a shine, but regardless this was a pretty refreshing art piece that you have created.

I might suggest a sparkle on the icecream or a shine



So here was a nice character with a bit of blood now speaking of that blood I think you could have had it more dripping wise, and more of it also more texture even some shine in the blood to make it look realistic, but it looks pretty good as a character so nice design here just a tad bit more work on the blood, other then that this was pretty good stuff hope you make more sometime.

More blood depth and shine


Its notbad

So this was notbad at all the colors are dim but Im assuming that was intended, the outer areas seem like they could have had some detail maybe even a frame of sorts, besides that this was a nice art piece almost abstract in a way, anyways nice efforts here.

the outer areas seem like they could have had some detail maybe even a frame of sorts


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