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Very nice

So this one here was pretty intense I think the color most of all was what caught my eye, and you have some great lighting effects aswell, would have liked even more lighting effects to come in but it was still pretty amazing some really nice work here.

As mentioned just above


BadJokesandBones responds:

bruh you give like, legit critiques n i appreciate you for it

A fun clay mold very unique

More madness once again cant go wrong there madness in clay always a fun element, A very unique build you have created here with some interesting designs here I really like the visual details here and this kind of art is very talented very nice work indeed, I do hope you make more designs like this as this was a beautiful design, A fun clay mold very unique.

madness in clay always a fun element



So this was a cool and nifty piece of art you really know how to make it look nice as for the backrounds the backrounds could have been better as the backrounds were very bland and had very little detail if any at all, So add some detail or more effort in something in the backrounds, even some colored canvus as backrounds would work, but besides that this was some nice work.

some added backround detail as mentioned


Exoskellet responds:

This was just some doodle at first and it never was studied to have any kind of BG . BackGrounds are also pretty energy consuming for me , so I don't really feel like adding one to these kind of drawing that are fully character centered . If this piece was meant to be more complete , your point would totaly stand , but for this one , its kind of unrelated

PS:Technicaly there is a blue Background ahah I win


Well you cant go wrong with some madness but even better with some clay madness, would love some added shine and effects on this, Alright so "CLAY" is something interesting, and you dont see a lot of the clay art on here that much anymore but its always nice to come across some clay pieces and designs such as this one here, I love "THE-CREATIVE-SIDE" that working with clay brings and you have done just that.

would love some added shine and effects on this


Nice clay art

these characters are filled with detail, gotta love some clay elements and no changes are needed on this fine mold, A nice clay art piece you have presented here, You have some good design here on the clay I like the little "EXTRA-TWIST" of detail you have added here on this piece, the view shot you have of "THIS-WAS-REALLY-NIFTY" to and it allows for you to see all the nice details.

gotta love some clay elements and no changes are needed on this fine mold


Very nice art

So this was nice almost looks like a robot of some art this has a paint style it seems and that was pretty nice to see that style, so nice job you really filled it with some nice detail here and thats what drew me to it so im pretty impressed with your style here

It is fine as is.


Something different

A couple of fun clay characters here and a great backround cant do any wrong there, Well this was something different for sure you dont see too much of the clay art anymore and even back in the day there was not much of it, but Im glad to have come across yours as it is pretty nifty and "A-UNIQUE-DESIGN" of the clay, clay is fun to work with and this was a "NICE-PRESENTATION" of clay.

couple of fun clay characters here and a great backround cant do any wrong there


Cool design

So this was a nice and cool design here the face has some deep expression and the look in his eyes all seem to come out very well so the deep expression is nice and I like the overall look here the backround design is nice and fits well with the intense expression, regardless of all that maybe all this needs to be is larger anyways great work here some nice look here on this piece.

A larger scale of the canvus would be a nice showcase.


Nice work

So first off the animation makes this so much better so props to you for that, the different variations was nice would have been nifty to see a few more variations, but with all that said this was some amazing artwork you have created here make more.

would have been nifty to see a few more variations


Wow amazing

Now this may very well be some of your best those colors really snap off well, cant think of anything to change this and why would I its awsome, you have shown some great effort here. Now I must say before I do head out, that art pieces like this is one of the reasons why I love to review, and hope to review and view great talent stuff like this in the future

cant think of anything to change this and why would I its awsome


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