
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice character

This was nice I especially like what you did with the backround Thank you for bringing more of a creative effect the artwork itselff is well done and gives that some nice elements so props to you on this wonderfull and fine piece. Glad to have seen this fantastic piece of artworks here The expression you have presented here really radiates a nice style here we are with another art entry


Another one

Here was another fun group you have created a fun mixture once again still maybe ad on a backround Thank you for bringing more of a creative effect the artwork itselff is well done and gives that some nice elements so props to you on this wonderfull and fine piece


Very nice

I like all the mixture in this one a good wide range of characters here I still say add a detailed backround, This is by far a major element of some nice visual artwork here This is one of those pieces of art that really can stand out at you and tell you a story about the piece at hand, I still say add a detailed backround



Well here are with even more pike, while its a fun element I think some added backround would be a plus First off thanks for the effort you have presented us with because it was truly something to see and admire I admire your creations of imagination nice character work of pike


Another good one

Another good group of characters here very colorful this one is keep thinking of new ideas and make great art for us because I for one appreceate beautifull art as this one A magnificent portal find this time great efforts here today ad on a frame of sorts as mentioned it would accent it well


Amazing commission art

Love the stars and Sci-Fi element on the backround you really make this standout the commission guidlines im sure effects what you can and cant do but you have went beyond on this Another good commission find in the portal bringing on some nice detail you make for some nice details all throughout, Commission art tends to be harder to review because its already set in stone, I had some fun with this particular one.


Stylish commission art

Nice character and commission It has some very solid work and some nice efforts, commissions are unique and different but seems with this particular one you really make it look easy, this commission a really solid one and you really bring out some nice detail from here to there, Its pieces like this that are commissions that really showcase the nice detail and efforts of the design so nice commission here.


Cool character

Love your style especially with watercolor A really nice character and a sexy one on top of that a fantastic pose in this one you showcase some nice talents and bring on some really good style of the character at hand with nifty visual detail but most of all you showcase a sexy character with some nice elements that make it a sexy character but that's what I liked in this one so nice job


A fantastic character

Love the paint style and color effects on the character Now here was a fantastic looking character the visual alone comes up big and you can really see all the fine details within the whole piece from side to side and top to bottom a well made and designed character you even gave it a nice and sexy element and that pose was pretty good too so with this character you really can't go wrong it's a fantastic character


Oh nice

Love me animation and pixel and this one was pretty smooth it is smooth and flows very well the solid backround was nice Here are these types of artworks that always grab my interest its the effort and detail that goes into these that really get me interested So Props to you on a unique and interesting idea here so nice effort here, anyways nice flow of animation here


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