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So these are like dragon types very interesting designs and drawings here you have some really cool designs and wouldnt mind more color added within these overall this was pretty amazing and I for one look forward to even more so really nice job indeed.

maybe some added color.



This looks more like some 3-D style here, but for the mostpart you have a nice masterpiece here, great visual effects here very deep texture, you are very talented and the art shows off very well, As a suggested Idea I would say adding a frame or border on this would be a really nice touch on things, anyways great stuff here.

Some frames or borders to accent the main focus here.


Really nice

So this was nice the trees are nice work here, the falling snow was a nice touch too, seems like you could have put more in the backround maybe some more trees but more in a shadow form to show even more trees beyond, but overall this was actually a nice piece and I really enjoyed this piece of art here, I really had some fun with this, anyways keep up the fantastic work.

seems like you could have put more in the backround maybe some more trees but more in a shadow form to show even more trees beyond


Cyberdevil responds:

The winter haze is a simple thing too though, everything becomes brighter and less anti-aliased. :) But yeah; I should experiment a bit more with shadow... thanks for the review!


So this one here was something different and you did present some nice element of energy I almost felt like you could have added more color and force of the linework to represent much more energy, but I will say this was pretty interesting and a nice overall piece of nice stylish art, and great use of colors here, So keep up the amazing work here, hope to see more sometime down the roard.

I almost felt like you could have added more color and force of the linework to represent much more energy


Cyberdevil responds:

Hope to do more too, thank you! Agree with the sentiments in this one.

Nice eyes

Very nice work here These eyes are pretty cool and you show off some really nice detail on this one, I was really impressed with this this particular art piece reminds me a little bit of some pixel, but the art itself is pretty impressive with the use of color and outline of the eyes, I dont see any need for any changes here you have some really nice work here very detailed infact.

I dont see any need for any changes here you have some really nice work here


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks :)

A beautiful character

Cute and sexy character the pinks in this really jump out maybe have a colored base backround or some sort of meshed backround so the colors jump out even more, So here was a beautiful character very sexy ofcourse and such an aluring look so you really push the nice smooth linework here very smooth and detailed look here a very aluring element and I love how you showcase this, so really nice character design here.

the pinks in this really jump out maybe have a colored base backround or some sort of meshed backround so the colors jump out even more


rtil responds:

thanks for all your comments and reviews, appreciated as always X. i don't always do backgrounds on sketches like this but hope you'll like the bg's in some of my more detailed pieces.


So this one here was really interesting I like the whole inktober I will contribute the next one but you have agood quality design here with the buildings and you even wrote a little story / poem on this one that was a nice touch, it was simple yet unique with again a style of its own and I was glad to review this work and your work once again you have some nice ideas that transcend into something unique.

Really wouldnt know where to change anything as I really like this piece as it is so for me I wouldnt change a thing.


Cyberdevil responds:

Personally I feel like this one turned out way too simple. XD But it's cool you're embracing these as they are... in a way all artwork is really tied to the context it was created in, if everything's drawn with certain intent maybe there are no flaws, just artistic choices... or something like that.

Thanks for the review!


Well Fries are a killer deep fried anything is probably a killer, you have a nice texture and shading idea on this piece, I also like the small lighting shine on the front of the fries, so as for any improments I dont really think you need any on this as this was a solid piece of art and a good meaning in the way of fries are probably bad for ones health if consumed a lot, anyways nice work here.

I dont really think you need any on this as this was a solid piece of art


Cyberdevil responds:

Hell yeah. :) Thanks


Well this was an interesting piece you could possbly call this an abstract piece I suppose but I have to say I do love all the diffiernt colors on this and was a nice view here seems like you could have gone deeper with some shades but I gues time was not on your side with the inktober element but overall I did find this to be a delightful piece of art here so nice job here.

maybe some added depth but then again it is inktober so the intense is meant to be simple.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks. :) Definitely could've worked a bit more on this, but it is what it is...


So this one was cool, it was notbad this one looks simular to your other one maybe you had ran out of ideas But I do have to say that this was pretty amazing work, I love the yellow shine over the black, the specs in the backround seemed to hard to see since it was a white backround but the main focus piece here was still pretty nice, I like it though and not sure what I would change here it was fun to review though hope to see more inktober from you soon.

not sure what I would change here it was fun to review though


Cyberdevil responds:

Still running out of ideas occasionally yupp. XD Don't recall what I was thinking at the time but it's possible... thanks again man.

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