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so this was a rather "SHINY" art piece a good character I believe this is pixel but I get confused with pixel and sprite at times, but I do love the shine on it maybe an added sparkle would be cool, and some type of backround would also be pretty nifty, anyways nice character.

I do love the shine on it maybe an added sparkle would be cool



So this was a nice little piece you have here, the art "STYLR" is pixel but I guess It could be a sprite too, it looks nifty and the animation is nice too, I think a little sparkle as the wing flaps would be really cool just an idea to think about though, nayways nice work.

a little sparkle as the wing flaps would be really cool just an idea to think about


Very cool

Very well "EXECUTED" joke in this one, I do hope to see more of your work soon because these are just so addicting, the black and white is cool with me but wouldnt hurt to see some color or a touch of it, and As I have said a few times now that little bit of color can go a long way even if just on props or something.


Cool black and white version

I like the end where there was a tid bit of "COLOR" Cool black and white version well somewhat but they are cool I like the detail and line in these black and white ones they are pretty nifty and show a different side of the comic before color and thats what jumps out at ame, so nice job on these, I like the effort on these.


Very Nice

Wow very nice, a very good view of tails, a different perspective for sure, but also an acurate way to show him saving Sonic as usual. The color and black inner rounded border was nie as I don't see that too often. Sonic looks irritated with having to be rescued but he is prolly either used to it by now or just enjoying the ride haha. Also having the enemies trailing along was a nice touch, just a few ideas to show more..maybe add more rings and maybe them a bit more circular, also the enemies have some odd contrast going on in a like almost fog over them, maybe change the contrast to darken that in a bit more, the enemies also seem a bit smooched but the rest was great and a great view of the characters swapping you have here, hope to see more from you soon.

Well as suggested more rings and better circular definition on those rings


Corythec responds:

Thank you so much for taking the time to critique my piece!

Clssic at its best

Good joke with the "FALSE ALARM" thats why I love this series, I do love this classic form of the series while not the best of details and colored but still showed off some good humor and a nice adventure, But I do enjoy these older portions of the comic series as they tell a different side of the story, and make it show how it all started.


Nice classic adventure

I like the black and white style here, So this was cool Some color would still be nice, but I like what you have done here with this one, I am glad I had the chance to embark on this old adventure but still a fun one, and hope you make more like this one here.


Nice classic here

Very nice classic here, you have shown some nice ideas back then and it was the creation at its start and thats what makes it a classic and original, you have grown so much in the comic series from these originals to what you make now so even with no color these are still awsome.


Awsome detail

Really nice one here I love the "EXPLOSION" that was a great ending, once again you have shown us how comics can not only be fun but they can have some adventure and these characters that you have, have shown us lots of adventure and tons of humor, so nice work indeed on this piece here and I really enjoy the style here so keep it up.


Great characters

Cool this was an older one seems like some backround props could have happened, The characters are my faves as they always doing something crazy you make these characters full of flavor and they bring a sense of vibe, I wonder if you will do a spin off comic with one or more of the characters, but anyways you have another fantastic comic piece in the books.


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