
17,993 Art Reviews

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Wow nice

Wow this was an intense character love the color and intense detail great effects too What a fantastic art piece with such amounts of detail and elements I applaud you on this fine piece of art and hope to see more very soon here on the portal, nice piece here not something I see all the time but seems like you know how to set this up just right, the effects on this are very nice



It is a nice scene with these great characters and a nice christmas setting love the snow and backround detail It is always a pleasure to see art styles such as you have created here for us this was an awsome piece with lots to be desired and glad I saw this with a nice visual about it including great detail, You have shown some good progress on this piece here



Cute bird and lots of nice color placed on this piece it was also cute A very nice art piece you have here I have to say this was not what I was expecting at first but it was really growing on me as you really braught this out so very nice work here, good entry here and and it shines with delight so nice work indeed, Its stuff like this with the bird that is very cute nice hob



A cool lil comic style here I like the vibe and energy almost feel like you could ad some color within this and make it even longer So first of all I am an instant fan of your art style here this reviewer is pleased with the well structured and detailed piece here, I have really come to really enjoy these kinds of submissions they bring so much to the portal and they create a great experience, make more of this comic style.


LordAldrin75 responds:

Thank you very much! I mainly wanted this to be a little doodle to introduce people to my account and my other art so I didn't really put that much effort. Though I definitely will take that advice in the future! Again, thanks a lot for the kind words ❤️


Now this looks like a character that is ready for action love the use of color on the outfit and the pale backround color accents the character very well What an amazing find here in the portal so I applaud you on a wonderfull piece So my insight on this whole piece is that you have captured something differant and unique well time for me to end this review but must say it was a fun experience reviewing this piece because of the talent and effort that you gave us



This was a cute scene and some cute characters too You have showcased some very good talents with your efforts on this piece it has an interesting look and there was some decent detail to it, the art detail and effort shows also bringing some good energy and thats what you did here Well before I go, The character work is very nice in this fun scene so nice work indeed.


Hot scene

A hot bath indeed with some creatures of erotic element nice pose with her arms upwards, I like the scene you have created here it looks pretty good and looks like you put the passion into this scene, Its pretty hot in the scene itself and you make it look easy the curves and lines just seem to pop off, An erotic yet steamy scene you have really captured the passion within the scene itself, so besides all that this was some really nice artwork indeed keep up the amazing work.



I found this one to be pretty cute love the use of color on the character and backround You love some creativity and thats what you have shown us here today with this stylish piece So thank you for putting the time into art stuff like this one here I great enjoyed viewing it, I am overwhelmed with your style and energy you put fourth here, make more color pieces like this.


anzky responds:

thanks! this is some really old art though. i enjoy my newer stuff a lot more.

Grim Sheeper

Nice name and even better art work on this comical character with a bit of demon side to it, love the redish backround too keep thinking of new ideas and make great art for us because I for one appreceate beautifull art as this one A magnificent portal find this time great efforts here today its always nice to see stuff like this come around the portal now and then, I get lots of exhilaration from this you ignite the fire within the art, comical sheep of grim



This was nice like a comic element with some fun moments, I wonder if you are a fan of sponge bob series and if its had any reflection on this series, Here are these types of artworks that always grab my interest its the effort and detail that goes into these that really get me interested So Props to you on a unique and interesting idea here so nice effort here, im no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me its clearly nice visually, Love the comic style here


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