
17,993 Art Reviews

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An action scene

Looks like some action is going on what I love the most about your style of art is the refreshing color and unique character work, Something very interesting and unique I guess you could say it kind of grew on me another good find Very engaging Its always good to come across different and unique styles of art but now we do come to the end of this review or close to it and before I go just want to say this was pretty good stuff great character scene here


The slagoons

Another fun rendittion of the slagoon group now this one for sure needs some sort of frame work on it first of all this was a nice piece A really fun idea you have created here I am overwhelmed at how attractive the detail here is You have some good talant on here and it shows with this piece I have to say this was some nice work and some nice efforts, some type of border as mentioned would be a plus



So you have a nice and beautiful character here I most enjoyed that you added versions here and it all came together well nice pose too, The creativity luminates in this art submission there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, Love character designs and you have really made a fun one love when artists showcase there talents like this entry does.



Very nice character here and love the lush colors that are in this very smooth and a beautiful character all around, An art piece with something different and unque about it You have some tremendous talent here and it shows in this piece here so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value as well as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together, great use of color on the character


Nice idea

This was a nice idea of some tank art infact the Ant was a nice touch, I did however think adding more color and depth design to the outter part of the tank would be a plus but maybe that was intended, Theres so much you can do with this and you added some nice detail and its that detail that is so nifty and detailed, Regardless of all that some nice ideas here and some nice backround detail too good work indeed.


Cool combo here

A nice grouped pic here lots of nice color and some good lil action you could even put on a border and or frame here
Here we have it another nice art piece and doesnt take much to make something decent just some time and patience is all it takes, and thats what you have shown here today, Its artwork like the one you are showcasing here that I have truly come to enjoy for its unique design, nice use of color too


I like it

A nice cycle here with some nice vibe and energy here even if its just a walk cycle it looks pretty good wish there was some backround A decent art peice here it was kind of different but thats what I liked about it it was pretty nifty so keep doing what you do because you have a fantastic sense of creativity, I applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer, Nice black and white


A nice character

This was a nice character here and in pajamas but also still cute and sexy and I believe that was the intent, anyways keep up this style its top notch stuff And I will continue to look for your future stuff whatever it may be im sure its as fantastic as this one, Also want to say the shadow work on the backround was a nice touch, so really nice work here looks pretty good


Flaming sword

Well you cant go wrong with a flaming sword here I think even adding in some added flame effects on the backround would have been a plus here I like the Blend of style and uniqueness you bring And so with this piece The fires of creativity burning within another inspiring piece, Great flaming element you have created here just needs more effects of some type nice work regardless


Nice work

This was a refreshing piece here especially with the nicght and day backround element fun characters too, you have a nice skill and you have shown this very well keep up the nice work and my final overview of this is that you have some good quality here, Also a very colorful piece of art here seesm like you could really make a fun series from this, Anyways very nice work.


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