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Nice work

Some nice work on this character she is up close or large and incharge and such a great expression on the face too some awsome work indeed, love the form of the character too, untill next time keep up the awsome art work anyways untill next time so keep creating from the imagination, Because this character was well done with grace and in charge as the scene of the art plays out really nice.



These two characters are really nice and cute with some fresh color element about them. I love the freshness of this art piece So I am fully supportive of this engaging piece a superb piece a pleasure to have seen this piece of creativity, would love to see more of a backround and a world created for them or atleast some backdrops, but regardless some nice lil characters here.


Very nice

The realisticness of this character is very amazing you really bring out the real details the van in the backround was also a nice touch, Right from the start you bring this art piece alive I really enjoyed reviewing this today and cant wait to review more from you, I hope to do so again maybe of some future work of yours, But anyways a great character indeed love your style.



it really just jumps out at you with some amazing ideas and some good little details, The animation on this one is pretty good too, some high frames per second it seems the color versions you have on here are pretty nice too, so this was simple yet is complex in its own way and that was a plus so nice job indeed I like the vibe of this whole art element and with animation.


Nice work

I love the before and after on this and some nice drawing and use of color too I found this to be a very creative piece and beautiful visual Now that I have that out of the way I have to say you did an impressive job here actually I was most impressed with the details of it all, You have some nice skills and bring it forward here in the portal so nice work on this drawings.



Now this was some beautiful work this is the type you really could have a fancy border on it love the characters and love the paint like style very good work here A magnificent piece of artwork you have dwelled onto us with some amazing details its stuff like this that keep me interested in reviewing awsome stuff just like this, theres a lot of nifty uniqueness in this so great start to a nice and nifty art piece, great character piece here


Amazing character

So here was an amazing character love the blue and ice feel here Now this is an amazing piece of art you have created here to start off this is a great art piece and I really like what you have done here, and hope you continue to keep up the skills on success a pretty decent art piece and ill be right here waiting to see what you do next and ofcourse review it


Another ver

I like that you have another version here the walk cycle is amazing some added backrounds would have been cool Every now and then you will come onto something stellar and thats what I saw here and along with all the blending of styles, some added backrounds would have been cool



This was different but was nice and it was cute a lil strange with what I think is blood but still nice I always look for Its visuals like this that really draw an interest to me you have a strange and unique style and thats what I really like, I like the unique design here



I love the falling elements here this one seems like there could be a deep story behind it but regardless this was very nice, love the reds and oranges A decent art peice here it was kind of different but thats what I liked about it it was pretty nifty so keep doing what you do because you have a fantastic sense of creativity, I applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer, great color in this one


MoeAnguish responds:

Thank you!

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