
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice pose

The pose of the character is fantastic I might suggest The backround was ok but wish there was something more there, maybe something in the distance to reflect a world that is going on related to the main character, just another idea that could help especially with the backrounds, I found it interesting and sometimes even different. I would even call this a Mythical and Symbolic piece because it brings some Glamorous ideas and nifty add-ons with great Substance so you really know how to Curb some simple ideas into some deep ones

The backround was ok but wish there was something more there, maybe something in the distance to reflect a world that is going on related to the main character, just another idea that could help especially with the backrounds


wow nice

So here was an intense piece love the dark element and deep look of this character, maybe adding some sort of glow effect behind it, So heres a piece that seems to amaze me its pieces like this that really draw me into the art portal because these are a nice piece of art and design pieces that you have presented.

maybe adding some sort of glow effect behind it


Another masterpiece

So once again you have created another masterpiece of work here, the eyes just jump out at you and are very impressive love the smooth line work but most of all the black and white

none needed once again


Nice indeed

So another nice piece of work you have here that black and white is nice indeed love the subtle backround too so awsome job here, you have some nice talent for black and white.



Nice job

Love the character even the backround was nice, Congradulations on the awards, this art submission was decent and you really went beyone the edge so nice work on getting some awards, I look forward to more stuff like this. as this was a pretty nifty entry and won some nice awards so congrats on that, The effect that this gives off was nifty and unique, But it was decent work. Hope you like this Critique even if this Extended review has a twist on it But you have a great Desire to make some nice stuff

For sure with this art piece no changes needed on this one you have a swell piece here.


I love it

I love this piece not just for the color of it all but its just so pleasent also seems like if you added some lighting effects might showcase it even better just an idea I really like what you have done here its a fantastic piece of art so keep it up.

some added lighting effects would be cool


Mohabot responds:

thanks. I don't paint anymore though... wasn't really for me. But I appreciate your comment

Really thank you. Glad you enjoyed it, that's what matters the most lol

Nice piece

An interesting piece of art here I like the the design here and the color does seem to jump out at you too seems like it could have even more desogn as some spots seemed somewhat bland, but its a nice piece.

as mentioned above.



Well you cant go wrong with some southpark always nice to see kenny lol, nice fun character work here, So in my opinion you dont need to change anything on this piece as you have trully outdone yourself on this art piece and its fine as is., anyways keep up the awsome work.

none needed as stated.


Fantastic talents

This was just fantastic work with a brilliant visual love the style using lighting and darks to really focus and the character design could really showcase well so props to you on such a fantastic piece of art i might even suggest adding some added effects in the back end of this

Some added details and or effects on the backend


Awesome art

So another awesome deadpool art piece that color radiant behind them is nice you could make it more like a glowing effect anyways great stuff here

Adding a glowing effect behind them would be cool


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