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So here we go with some nice element of color lime allthough adding in two tone colors could have made this standout even more but I did like what you made here and I am assuming 14 stands for something, also adding more in the back end might be a plus, but regardless it is as it is, but as I do end this review I would like to say its a nice piece overall.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it! Noted on potential canvas additions.

Very nice

This was some nice work indeed I love that there is some added element of color in this and there is a lot going on in this one, so lots to see and some nice details but do love the added color here, Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now, But regardless this was an awsome piece of work here.



This was different but I like it and love all the different visuals of characters and portrait types really has some nice color too, this whole pice could use a fancy frame or border, Some interesting elements of a submission on this one, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here would accent the whole pice a lot better.


Nice mock up

So I understand this is just a mock up and you have a lot of activity in there some nice colorful detail that pops off just right, A nice find here with this submission of an art piece, this arte entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on, But honestly this was pretty good a nice style, I do love the color depth you have added here some nice work indeed.



So this was a nifty little emoji that represents the times at hand, It looks pretty good some quality work here, the stylization and flair you have presented here very nice indeed, I like how this all came out and looks very welldone, Anyways good effort and a fun little emoji you have created here, You could even make a series of these types and such, anyways great stuff here.


Sea creatures

I like the combo of sea creatures I think you could even ad in some more on this You bring out some nice style and a certain uniqueness about it it was a pleasure for this reviewer to see such fantatstic work and brings alot to the canvus, the creatures have some nice little detail maybe adding in some backround ocean detail would be a plus, anyways nice creatures here from the sea.


Great character

This was actually a great character here love his angry element and the added red detail over the white backdrop was really nice, Another fun art piece and have made my day here This looks like a blend of artistic quality to me, which makes it very beautiful looking to me, I even added this one as my faves its a great art piece and awsome character indeed so nice work here.


Nice character

This was a nice character here and the colortone was really nice wouldnt have minded more backround element but honestly this was some nice work, Another fun art element and have made my day here This looks like a blend of artistic quality to me, which makes it very beautiful looking to me, but anyways keep making some nice work as you have really pushed some nice details on this character.


Nice combo here

This was a nice combo of characters here and very colorful came off well meaning you outdid yourself here with a brillint piece of art now for the extended portion of the review You have some nice polished elements in this piece These kinds of entries really move leaps and bounds with me, The combo of characters have some nice detail and the use of color is really nice work here.



This was very colorful and has an artistic look too, love this moment here First off thanks for the effort you have presented us with because it was truly something to see and admire I admire your creations of imagination Something different here these types is what I always look for Its visuals like this that really draw an interest to me you have a strange and unique style and thats what I really like


MoeAnguish responds:

Thank you!

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