
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice pixel here

You do some nice pixel even as black and white it was cool would have liked some added color on this one, This was a satisfying and even a somewhat mythical piece So as my eyes lay out the visual here It reminds me that its a pleasure to see stuff like this, especially this particular piece it brings something different and unique to the end product and you created such a great product here, would have liked some added color on this one



Nice black and white style here seems like with some added color would be very nice This can be a complex idea but then it is also a simple representation but thats all great and good to see people using the simplistick ideas and turning them into positive outcomes I have found this find to be one unique find indeed, Well here is the extended review I had a fun pleasure in reviewing this


This was nice

These characters showcase some nice elements and show the passion within the faces that really bring out some nice emotions, the soft colors really come alive and you make it all too easy, I for one am very impressed with your work here and just love the detail even within the restrictions and limits of a commission but have to say you make it look too easy but I do enjoy all of your work that you bring out the commissions are very nice indeed and just overall enjoy this piece here.


Nice combo

Here was a nice combo of characters some good use of color too and you bring out some small details Energy and vibe thats what I get from this creative piece of art So as I extended this review a tad further and before we do come to an end here I would like to say It was fun reviewing this, these types of portraits are always nice and hope you make more of these types anyways nice job.


Nice character

So nice character here having a jolly ol time here good facial expression too A delightful piece of art here with all sorts of elements that make it what it is today The imagination and ideas really come alive in this piece and you dwell deep into the visuals here, What an amazing find of some art in this submission cant go wrong with this, love the stars in the backround too


Nice character work

So here I found it very nice to see not just one but two sexy characters and in a dark element even the texture and shades in there bodies etc was dark that's a nice push you put on this art piece good sexy character work here



Well this was notbad I love the black and white themed elements here the small details even in black and white are good also love the black background but would have loved some added detail back there



Well another fun comic with foamy and friends the joke comes off well and the color and design of the characters are nice also love the humor you bring into this some good comical comic elements here so keep making these fun comic pieces


Wow nice

Now this here is an action character and what a pose you have created here with that said pose awesome gun I do think some background could be added and some sparkle and shine on the gun would be a plus on this



This was a cute couple just out in the feild some nice backround detail in this too Nice piece you even added a little Twist and that was an exceptional and even engaging idea You present us with this lovely art style that brings many lots of joy including yourself, You crave creativity and thats what you have showcased here today, the flame character was cool.


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