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Well this is cute love the shell I do think some added shine and sparkle on his shell would be a nice touch, This was a nice art submission here some interesting details What a brilliant submission you have a unique way about your art style Very nice work here and some nice effort aswell, I dont know what to say about this picture or much to say aside from what I have already mentioned above some sparkle and shine would be cool.


Wow amazing

This was some of the best drawing work I have seen in a good while, Love the eyeball on this one, the castle tops are just as impressive, you should think about adding in some color or a colored version, A nice find here with this submission of an art piece this arte entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on, A nice piece of art you have here its kind of differant yet its got its own vibe and seems to work well with all the elements thats surround it, Love the eyeball on this one


Cool Castle

This was cool I think all it needs is some glowing moon of sorts This was a cool looking castle and you really made it pop with delight and detail all rolled into this little art entry the castle details while simple still complex in its own way and just an overall nice visual element for the viewer, You bring a new look to the castle style and it was a plus seeing this nifty castle design a very good talent you have in this design and hope to see you make even more castle designs.


Adalbertus responds:

Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you like this picture.

Cute one

First off I love the animation on this and you really bring out some nice fun and vibrant actions and it was a cute animated piece A fun find in the portal with these kinds of submissions A symbolic submission if I say so myself you have appropriately shown off some detail you have shown some good stylization, make more of these animated pieces



So this was a nice and cute piece also love the color ver and black and white, some nice cute characters here You cant go wrong with a nice art find like this one here This is like an endless yet large hearted and well dedicated art piece, nice cute characters here


Brilliant Castle

Awsome work almost feel like some birds could be flying by For me this was a brilliant design of a castle pretty amazing if you ask me it was some solid work and shows off your nice talents in depth of the castle design itself and is always a pleasure to find some good castle visuals like I have here today, So thank you and props to you on a beautiful castle design you have created here, and for sure hope to see even more fune designs castles or not its always a pleasure so nice work.


Subtle and nice

This was a very subtle and nice character here love that she has clothing on lol Some nice polish kind of like a knockout and a sizzling touch you added to this, but besides all that you have really me enjoy your style of art here but anyways keep up the good work because I found this to be some solid work indeed, with some very nice element of beautiful expression.


Wow nice

I love the bird here but love what you did with the border here and the edgy cuts very nice indeed, I am generally not a fan of these types but it had some un expected art fun and some nice visuals on top of that I do applaud you on a welldone piece, now ofcourse it is one of those uniqie styles that I always come to enjoy and whatnot very beautiful looking to me this is a pretty cool looking piece, you could make a few of these types like a theme


Amazing Castle

Wow amazing I love the black and white on this castle some fine detail in the linework here, An amazing design you have created here and me being a fan of castles this was pretty impressive and design, You have some raw and true talents and have showcased them here with this castle submission bringing on some really nice details and depth as well as some amazing structure so awsome job on this one and I for one look forward to even more of your designs as this was just pure solid work with some nifty visuals, I love the black and white on this castle



Love the view shot you have done this in and also the night and day very nice It was a plus seeing this nifty castle design a very good talent you have in this design so thank you and props to you on a beautiful castle design you have created here, I for one look forward to even more of your designs as this was just pure solid work, For me this was a brilliant design of a castle pretty amazing if you ask me This was a cool looking castle and you really made it pop with delight anyways great work here.


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